Seeking four new members for the international SPARS Steering Committee
Remi Gribonval just sent me the following:
Dear Igor,
Would you mind sharing this call with the readers of Nuit Blanche ?
All the best,
Sure Remi, here it is:
Dear colleagues,
We are seeking up to four new members of the community to join the international SPARS Steering Committee, as part of its renewal process.
The SPARS Steering Committee was created during the SPARS 2009 workshop (Signal Processing with Adaptive/Sparse Representations) in St-Malo, France.
Its main purpose is to provide a framework to manage forthcoming SPARS workshops.
Members of the Steering Committee will be expected to: have an active interest in the field; have presented at and/or attended previous workshops; and contribute their experience and ideas for the benefit of the research community.
The next meeting of the SPARS Steering Committee, including the newly elected members, will take place during SPARS 2013 (July 8-11 2013, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
If you wish to nominate yourself or a colleague, please send the following to me, Remi Gribonval (, as attachments to an email (PDF preferred):
(1) A statement of qualification for the nominee (up to 1 page, CV style)
(2) A Letter of Support (up to 2 pages)
Deadline for nominations:
Friday 9 November 2012 (midnight GMT/UTC)
Best wishes,
Remi Gribonval
Chair, international SPARS steering committee
Rémi GRIBONVAL, Directeur de Recherche Inria
Campus de Beaulieu
35042 Rennes cedex
E-mail: Remi.Gribonval@inria.frWWW :
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