Post doc position in Compressive sensing and medical ultrasound imaging
IMT (Institute of mathematics of Toulouse) and IRIT (Institute of Computer Science Research of Toulouse).
Catégorie : Post-doctorant
This topic is at the interface of Mathematics, and health.
Among the existing medical imaging modalities, ultrasound imaging is one of the most widely used in various applications, such as pregnancy monitoring, cardiac imaging or blood flow estimation. The main advantages of ultrasound imaging are, in addition to its safety, its low cost and real-time nature which make it a standard modality in medical imaging. Currently, the real-time behaviour is not fully guaranteed in many applications such as 3-D ultrasound. Also the amount of ultrasound data acquired (1-D, 2-D or 3-D) becomes more and more important and makes extraction of relevant parameters difficult and costly (via signal and image processing techniques).
The primary objective of this work is to propose techniques to perform high frame imaging by reducing the amount of ultrasonic data during signal acquisitions, while maintaining the image reconstruction quality in terms of quantitative but also diagnostic power terms. The second objective of the work is to accelerate the real-time nature that characterizes this imaging modality. To do so, the investigations will focus both on the inverse problem including compressed sampling, and specific beamforming.
In practice, we will deal with the high resolution reconstruction of the projected image in a space of sparse representation, from a reduced number of samples
Applicants are expected to have at least one of the following:
- Knowledge in numerical optimization
- Inverse problem
- Sparse representation
- Compressive sensing
Knowledge in medical ultrasound imaging is very appreciated.
This post-doc will be performed at IMT (Institute of mathematics of Toulouse) and IRIT (Institute of Computer Science Research of Toulouse) and involve different groups of IRIT. It will yield collaboration with manufacturers of imaging systems and medical teams.
Job Location
IRIT, University of Toulouse, Toulouse France
Denis Kouamé, IRIT, University of Toulouse III,
Adrian Basarab,
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