Remember Jovana Ilic in Does Richter's "4096 Colours" painting fulfill the Restricted Isometry Property for Sparse Signal Recovery ?, well she just sent me the following announcement for a postdoc position (all other jobs are posted at ). Here it is:
Hi Igor,
My mentor at Sandia, Tammy Kolda ( has a postdoc position for a project that involves compressed sensing. I was wondering if you could possibly advertise it on your blog? Below is the brief description of the position:
We have multiple openings for postdoctoral researchers in computer science, computer engineering, mathematics, and statistics. We are particularly looking for experts in informatics and data sciences, numerical mathematics (especially linear algebra), network and graph algorithms, and cyber defense. The successful applicant will be expected to conduct innovative research, to develop open-source software, to present his or her findings at leading conferences and workshops, and to publish his or her results in leading journals. This postdoctoral position is for motivated and enthusiastic individuals with a background in computer science, mathematics, statistics, or related areas.and the full job posting can be found here:
For more information, please contact Tammy Kolda:
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