[Updates, see also Additional Photos and Video to "Imaging With Nature: Compressive Imaging Using a Multiply Scattering Medium" and The Post Publication Peer Review of "Imaging With Nature: Compressive Imaging Using a Multiply Scattering Medium" ]
So it all comes down to this moment: I am one of the co-author of a paper that just appeared in Scientific Reports. The previous entry titled Random Matrices Are Too Damn Large ! was probably a small giveaway, but a solution to this conundrum might be the use of multiple scattering materials to do the deed.
We set up a project page: https://sites.google.com/site/imagingwithnature/ where we will eventually release the attendant (large amount of) data but also feature links to post publication peer review. Personally, I am especially proud that we could get Figure 4, a sharp phase transition diagram where every point is the result of several experimental realizations, a feat I have yet to see elsewhere.
As listed in the project page, I will eventually make public the different reviews we had before getting published, much fun will be had and you'll probably need to get some popcorn when reading that entry. Without further ado, enjoy! Imaging With Nature: Compressive Imaging Using a Multiply Scattering Medium by Antoine Liutkus, David Martina, Sébastien Popoff, Gilles Chardon, Ori Katz, Geoffroy Lerosey, Sylvain Gigan,Laurent Daudet, Igor Carron
The recent theory of compressive sensing leverages upon the structure of signals to acquire them with much fewer measurements than was previously thought necessary, and certainly well below the traditional Nyquist-Shannon sampling rate. However, most implementations developed to take advantage of this framework revolve around controlling the measurements with carefully engineered material or acquisition sequences. Instead, we use the natural randomness of wave propagation through multiply scattering media as an optimal and instantaneous compressive imaging mechanism. Waves reflected from an object are detected after propagation through a well-characterized complex medium. Each local measurement thus contains global information about the object, yielding a purely analog compressive sensing method. We experimentally demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach for optical imaging by using a 300-micrometer thick layer of white paint as the compressive imaging device. Scattering media are thus promising candidates for designing efficient and compact compressive imagers.
The project page is here: https://sites.google.com/site/imagingwithnature/ where we will eventually release the data.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to put in the comment section of this blog or any of the outlet mentioned in the project page (that includes Google+ Community and the CompressiveSensing subreddit ).
Join the CompressiveSensing subreddit or the Google+ Community and post there !
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