Since blogging and technical reference pages are somehow new to the scientific discourse, one sometimes wonders how Nuit Blanche and related pages should be cited. There used to be a way to say "Private conversation" or something similar, but following these guidelines here how it probably should be done in order to be consistent:
* For a blog post that is entirely written by me please use the following for, say, a blog entry written on May 16, 2008:
Carron I. Nuit Blanche Blog [Internet]. Igor Carron, 2003 Nov - [cited 2008 May 16]. Available from:
Please note that if you are arriving on the blog from a country other than the US, the address will look like this if you are doing so from Switzerland:
Make sure to correct that address to
http://nuit-blanche.blogspot.comin the citation.
* For blog entries written by somebody else (as a guest post for instance), please use the appropriate author(s) i.e.
Gemmeke J. Nuit Blanche Blog [Internet]. Igor Carron, 2003 Nov - [cited 2007 November 19]. Available from:
* For the Big Picture in Compressive Sensing, here is my take since those pages parallel wikis:
Compressive Sensing: The Big Picture [Internet]. Igor Carron, 2009. Available from:
The Advanced Matrix Factorization Page [Internet]. Igor Carron, 2011. Available from: the Compressive Sensing Hardware page:
The Compressive Sensing Hardware Page
[Internet]. Igor Carron, 2008. Available from:
or the page that centralized most information about Learning Compressive Sensing
Learning Compressive Sensing
[Internet]. Igor Carron, 2013. Available from:
and finally the Reproducible Research page
The Reproducible Research Page in Compressive Sensing and Related Fields
[Internet]. Igor Carron, 2013. Available from:
Using Google Scholar I was able to track a few papers that mention Nuit Blanche or my name in the acknowledgements or even as comments on the interweb on specific blogs, this is great ! Here they are:
T Strohmer - Signal Processing Letters, IEEE, 2012 -
S Foucart - 2009 -
L Wasserman -
J Kendall - 2010 -
LN Smith - SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing, 2013 -
AG Rodríguez - 2012 -
MM Vila Oliva - 2011 -
Other acknowledgments I was not aware of:
A Gelman, CR Shalizi - Oxford handbook of the philosophy of the …, 2012 -
M Ellis, C Kurwitz, F Best - ASME 2005 …, 2005 - …
PR Gill, C Lee, S Sivaramakrishnan… - Journal of …, 2012 -
O Endra, D Gunawan - Advances in Computing, Control and …, 2010 -
J Dorning, W Greenberg, D Song… - Transport Theory and …, 2001 - Taylor & Francis
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