I always look back at these monthly reviews and I am always in awe on how much has been explored, discovered. This month is no exception (last month's review is at Nuit Blanche in Review (February 2014)). Among the many good surprises like the meetup speakers we hosted in Paris, here is another instance: Citing Nuit Blanche. A comment also led to this entry on thinking of the SKA as an Atmosphere Monitoring Station (more on that later). From the focused entries and implementations and meetups, the theme of the month was mostly about matrix decompositions and factorizations and their extensions in the tensor area and at the hardware level. As a result I updated the Advanced Matrix Factorization Jungle Page. But here are the implementations made available by their respective authors, enjoy!
- HODLR and george: Fast Direct Methods for Gaussian Processes and the Analysis of NASA Kepler Mission Data - implementation -
- LRRSC : Subspace Clustering by Exploiting a Low-Rank Representation with a Symmetric Constraint - implementation -
- Balancing Sparsity and Rank Constraints in Quadratic Basis Pursuit - implementation -
- HASI: Probabilistic Low Rank Matrix Completion with Adaptive Spectral Regularization Algorithms
- CaSPIAN: A Causal Compressive Sensing Algorithm for Discovering Directed Interactions in Gene Networks - implementation -
- Binary Compressed Imaging - implementation -
- The Flutter Shutter Code Calculator - implementation -
- Path Thresholding: Asymptotically Tuning-Free High-Dimensional Sparse Regression
- Scalable methods for nonnegative matrix factorizations of near-separable tall-and-skinny matrices
- Introduction into cross approximation / Fast multidimensional convolution in low-rank formats via cross approximation - implementation -
- Saturday Morning Video: SVO: Fast Semi-Direct Monocular Visual Odometry - implementation -
Focused entries:
- Tensor time! Era of Big Data Processing: A New Approach via Tensor Networks and Tensor Decompositions, A Non-Local Structure Tensor Based Approach for Multicomponent Image Recovery Problems
- Hyperspectral Imaging: Hardware and Data Reconstruction
- Dimensionality reduction: Spectral Sparse Representation for Clustering and a survey
- The Long Post of the Month
- Quantum Computing, P vs NP, Compressive Sensing 3.0 and dealing with subdiffraction limits
- It never was noise, just a different convolution: Compressive geoacoustic inversion using ambient noise
- Phase Retrieval with Application to Optical Imaging
- Stochastic Gradient Methods 2014
- Rambus Binary Pixel
- Dictionary Learning in Games
- Machine Learning Methods in the Computational Biology of Cancer
Slides and Videos of Meetings/meetups:
Sunday Morning Insights:
Job Announcements:
- CSjob: Post-Doc, Compressed Sensing Imaging through Multiply Scattering Materials, Paris, France
- CSjob: PhD Thesis, Signal processing and signal fusion methods for irregularly sampled signals obtained with crowd-sensing. Application to air quality monitoring.
- CSjob: Postdoc Novel signal processing algorithms for radio astronomy (SKA) , IBM Research Zurich
- CSJob: Research Associate in compressed imaging for computerized tomography (CT) systems
Saturday Morning Videos:
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