Laurent Daudet just sent me this postdoc announcement, I usually don't add up any comment to it, but this one is special:
An 18-month post-doc position is available in Paris, France, on the subject of Compressed Sensing Imaging through multiply scattering materials.
The goal of this post-doc is to develop signal processing algorithms for compressed-sensing imaging through multiple scattering materials. This is a joint project between ESPCI ParisTech (Institut Langevin, Prof. Laurent Daudet) and Ecole Normale Supérieure (LKB, Prof. Sylvain Gigan ; and LPS, Prof. Florent Krzakala), funded by a grant from PSL Research University.
Our proof of concept (arXiv 1309.0425) has shown experimentally that compressed-sensing imaging through multiple scattering materials is indeed possible, despite strong experimental noise. This technique can be improved in many ways, for instance in its calibration procedure, by using intensity-only measurements, or by scaling up the resolution of the images - each of these challenges requiring specific model-based algorithmic developments. Primarily based at Institut Langevin (L. Daudet's team), the hired researcher will have frequent interaction with experimentalists at S. Gigan's optics team, and statistical physics / signal processing researchers of F. Krzakala's team at LPS, all within 10 minutes walk.
Candidates should hold a PhD in Signal processing, Applied mathematics, Computational optics or related domain, with some mandatory experience in sparse representations and/or compressed sensing. Good programming skills (Matlab), the ability to work independently, and good reporting skills are required. The ability to interact with physics experimentalists (acoustics / optics) and statistical physicists is essential.
Start date : no later than Sept. 1st, 2014. Salary according to experience.Informal enquiries should be made, by email only, to Prof. Laurent Daudet : laurent.daudet[at]
Formal applications should include a detailed CV, a publications list, a short research statement, the name and email address of up to 3 references, and should be sent simultaneously to laurent.daudet[at], sylvan.gigan[at], florent.krzakala[at]
The Langevin Institute ( ) is a physics laboratory that investigates all aspects of waves (acoustics / optics), attached to the prestigious ESPCI ParisTech engineering school (7 Nobel prizes in physics and chemistry) and recently created PSL Research University. It is centrally located in the vibrant 5th "arrondissement" of Paris.
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