Ever since writing this entry on Predicting the Future: The Steamrollers, I have been on the lookout for any type of improvements on next generation sequencing techniques such as the one using nanopores. If you look at the nanopore tag, you'll notice a dearth of data coming from actual hardware sensing. Similarly, a recent question on one of the linkedin group on NGS yielded very little in terms of actual data that people could try their machine learning algorithms on. In fact it pretty looked hopeless. Things changed yesterday: At PMWC, Quantum Biosystems decided to start a process of openly share data with the rest of the scientific community. Here is the press release: Quantum Biosystems demonstrates First Reads using Quantum Single Molecule Sequencing. From the press release (and its connection to the steamrollers)
....The platform allows the direct sequencing of single stranded DNA and RNA without labelling or modification, on silicon devices which can be produced on the same production lines as consumer grade integrated circuits. As the system uses no proteins or other reagents it is potentially ultra-low cost, enabling consumer level genome sequencing.
But more importantly, the data is at: http://www.quantumbiosystems.com/data/, with the note:
Raw quantum sequencing data are freely available for scientific and research use, allowing you, for example, to develop your own algorithms and software for quantum sequencing. We will add new data sets from time to time, updated as needed.
Hit the Data Download button, put your name/company/university/blog and you are good to go.
Here is the Data Usage policy that you need to be Ok with, as soon as you fill this in, you can get the data:
Data Usage Policy (January 26, 2014)All data in this site belong to Quantum Biosystems. These pre-publication data are preliminary and may contain errors. The goal of our policy is that early release should enable the progress of science.The data is published under a Creative Commons licence
Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 (CC-BY-NC 3.0)http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/us/legalcode
Creative Commons license CC-BY-NC 3.0:"A license whereby licensees may copy, distribute, display and perform the work and make derivative works based on it only for non-commercial purposes, only if they give the author or licensor the credits in the manner specified."By accessing these data, you agree not to use for commercial use without any prior written consent of Quantum Biosystems.2014 Quantum Biosystems
Disclaimer: at the time of this writing, I hold no stake in Quantum Biosystems
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