Laurent Duval mentioned a special session at the ICIP conference in his blog: Image processing for materials characterization (ICIP 2014, special session). Here is some excerpt from the context section of the CfP
ContextScanning electron microscopy (SEM): Polymer-charged concrete (c) F. Moreau, IFPENMaterials science is evolving from materials discovered in Nature by chance to designed materials [1], that repair themselves, adapt to their environment, capture and store energy or information, help elaborate new devices, etc. Materials are now designed from scratch with initial blueprints, starting from atoms and molecules, as more traditional for buildings or electronic circuits. This evolution, at the confluence of science, technology, and engineering [2], is driven by the synergy of materials science and physics, mechanics, chemistry, biology and engineering, with image processing taking part in this challenge [3]. Indeed, the possibility of designing, analyzing and modeling materials from images (or generally two- or three-dimensional modalities) reveals important contributions to this field. The appearance of materials changes significantly with imaging techniques, depending on the scale of analysis, imaging settings, physical properties and preparation of materials. Understanding these aspects turns out to be crucial for material analysis and modelization.In particular, we face challenges regarding the characterization of the physical assembly process of materials, the formation process of images, of imaging techniques interacting with materials (geometry, transmission, illumination, reflection, scattering). Answering these questions is important to separate the material appearance from its intrinsic morphology and properties. Additionally, materials science approaches may inspire novel image processing techniques.By gathering researchers of complementary expertise, from image feature extraction to image simulation, this special session proposal will allow us to report on recent progresses performed and emerging trends in material analysis and modelization through image processing. By attracting an audience with diverse backgrounds, this proposal aims at catalyzing a new community around this exciting new area for the image processing crowd. The special session topics will be publicized, to encourage additional submissions to the main ICIP session tracks.
Lenka Zdeborova sent me this announcement for a workshop on "Spin Glass and Beyond: An old tool for new problems", Cargese, 25th August - 6 September 2014
Dear Collegues and friends,This is the announcement and call for participants of the workshop and advanced school "Spin Glass and Beyond: An old tool for new problems" that will take place in Cargese, Corsica, France during 25.8.-6.9. 2014. Please forward this to your colleagues/students that may be interested.Researchers, students and postdocs interested to participate in the event are invited to register on the website March 31st, 2014. The capacity of the school is limited hence your participation can be confirmed only at a later stage.Each day of this 2-weeks event will be devoted to one of the 10 topics listed below. Each day will start with a 3h tutorial on the topic, that will cover the work of the lecturer but mainly include an overview of the topic. In the afternoon there will be 4 invited talks on some recent works in the topic and the day will finish by an open problems session animated by the lecturer of the tutorial.As can be seen from the list of topics below, the aim here is to bring together researchers from theory of glasses with researcher working on interdisciplinary applications on methods stemming from the spin glass theory. In the past years there were several meetings aiming at the physics problems and several others aiming at the interdisciplinary side. This time we want to bring the researcher with physics-related interests together with those interested in other disciplines, the unifying factor being some relation to the theory of spin glasses.Let us also add that the center in Cargese that is hosting this event is an amazing venue situated on the coast of the Corsica island. One of the most beautiful and pleasant places for schools and workshops that we know of. Just a few steps from the sea and serving very tasty local cuisine.With best regards the organizersFlorent Krzakala, Federico Ricci-Tersenghi, Giorgio Parisi and Lenka Zdeborova
List of topics:1: Jamming and hard spheres, keynote 3h lecture Francesco Zamponi2: Time and length scales, keynote 3h lecture Giulio Biroli3: Renormalization and effective field theory for disordered systems, keynote 3h lecture GillesTarjus4: Many body localization, keynote 3h lecture Lev Ioffe5: Quantum spin glasses and glasses, keynote 3h lecture Leticia Cugliandolo6: Information Theory and Compressed sensing, keynote 3h lecture Yoshiyuki Kabashima7: Optimization and inference in networks, keynote 3h lecture Cristopher Moore8: Phase transitions and Computational Complexity: keynote 3h lecture Amin Coja-Oghlan9: Establishing cavity & replica method rigorously: keynote 3h lecture Amir Dembo,10: Collective Behavior and Inference in Biological Systems, keynote 3h lecture RemiMonassonList of invited speakers by topic:1: Matthieu Wyart, Olivier Dauchot, Ludovic Berthier, Jorge Kurchan2: Chiara Cammarota, Silvio Franz, Walter Kob3: Tommaso Rizzo, Marco Tarzia, Thierry Giamarchi, Ferenc Igloi4: Markus Mueller, Vadim Oganesyan, Ehud Altman, Chris Laumann5: Marco Schiro, Pasquale Calabrese, Guilhem Semerjian, Laura Foini6: Rudiger Urbanke, Sundeep Rangan, Toshiyuki Tanaka, Aris Moustakas7: Riccardo Zecchina, David Saad, Marc Lelarge8: David Gamarnik, Martin Loebl, Marc Mezard, Eric Vigoda9: Dmitri Panchenko, Sourav Chatterjee, Mohsen Bayati, Nike Sun10: Martin Weigt, Olivier Rivoire, Simona Cocco, Asja Jelic
---- ITWIST'14: "international - Traveling Workshop on Interactions between Sparse models and Technology" August 27-29, 2014, Namur, Belgium **Deadline extension:** After having received numerous requests, the deadline for paper submission has been extended until: January 6, 2014! itwist14or - Call for Papers – The second edition of the “international - Traveling Workshop on Interactions between Sparse models and Technology” (iTWIST) will take place in the medieval and picturesque town of Namur in Belgium. The workshop will be conveniently located in “The Arsenal” building within walking distance of both hotels and town center. One implicit objective of this workshop is to foster collaboration between international scientific teams by disseminating ideas through both specific oral/poster presentations and free discussions. For this edition, iTWIST’14 will feature 9 invited talks, 10 oral presentations and 40 posters. – Invited Speakers – For this edition, the workshop is honored by the participation of the following renowned speakers: * Laurent Demanet (MIT, USA) * Anders C. Hansen (U. Cambridge, UK) * Shirin Jalali (New York U., USA) * Daniel Kressner (EPFL, Switzerland) * Florent Krzakala (ESPCI, France) * Mauro Maggioni (Duke U., USA) * Fritz Sommer (Berkeley, USA) * Ivana Tosic (Ricoh Innov., USA) * Pierre Weiss (CNRS/ITAV, France) The titles and abstracts of their talks are now provided here: < /itwist14/invited-speakers> – Topics of interest – iTWIST’14 welcomes 2-page paper submissions on any aspects of the following themes, all related to the theory, application and generalization of the “sparsity paradigm”: * Sparsity-driven data sensing and processing * Beyond linear and convex inverse problem * Blind inverse problems and dictionary learning * Information theory, geometry and randomness * Sparsity? What’s next? * Union of low dimensional subspaces * Matrix/manifold/graph sensing/processing * Sparsity and computational neuroscience * Complexity/accuracy tradeoffs in numerical methods * Sparse machine learning and inference – Important Dates – * Jan 6, 2014:
Paper submission deadline * Feb 7, 20
14: Confirmation of accepted papers * Feb 21, 2014:
Final manuscript due (Detailed submission guidelines are provided on the iTWIST’14 website) – Scientific and Local Organizing Committees – Laurent Jacques (UCL, Belgium); Christophe De Vleeschouwer (UCL, Belgium); Yannick Boursier (CPPM, Aix-Marseille U., France); Prasad Sudhakar (UCL, Belgium); Christine De Mol (ULB, Belgium); Aleksandra Pizurica (Ghent U., Belgium); Sandrine Anthoine (LATP, Aix-Marseille U., France); Pierre Vandergheynst (EPFL, Switzerland); Pascal Frossard (EPFL, Switzerland). Jean Deschuyter (UCL, Belgium); Adriana Gonzalez (UCL, Belgium); Kévin Degraux (UCL, Belgium) – Sponsors – The iTWIST’14 organizing committee thanks the following sponsors for their help and fundings: * UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium * F.R.S. - FNRS, Belgium * CNRS, France * The MUSICS and CIL doctoral schools -- Prof. Laurent JACQUES F.R.S.-FNRS Research Associate Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Electronics and Applied Mathematics (ICTEAM/ELEN) - UCL Batiment Stévin Place du Levant 2, PO Box L5.04.04 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium Office: a.157 Tel: +32 10 47 81 24 Fax: +32 10 47 20 89 ent.jacques
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