Dear Igor,Thank you for managing the amazing blog Nuit Blanche. I would like to kindly let you know about a special session on "Advances in sparse modeling and low-rank modeling for speech processing" to be held at HSCMA'2014 workshop during May 12-14 in Nancy, just after ICASSP'2014 (in Florence). Please find the call for paper attached. It could be interesting for some of the readers of Nuit Blanche so I really appreciate if you post it there.Best regards,Afsaneh-----------------------------Afsaneh Asaei, PhDIdiap Research Institute
Call for Papers Special Session of HSCMA 2014 Advances in sparse modeling and low-rank modeling for speech processing Sparse and low-rank modeling aim to incorporate the low-dimensional structures pertained to the geometry of the underlying problems to achieve the optimal solution. These concepts have been proven to be very effective for a wide range of applications at the intersection of multiple fields, including machine learning, In the context of audio and speech processing, and more particularly multiparty communications in reverberant and overlapping conditions, the integration of sparse and low-rank modeling concepts has lead to several interesting new directions and promising results in speech communication problems, ranging from denoising to deconvolution and from separation to recognition. Several other exciting developments include sparse linear prediction, missing data recovery, audio content analysis and inpainting. Addressing such real applications is particularly challenging due to the complex acoustic and speech characteristics, and the need to develop new modeling strategies that meet the foundational theoretical hypotheses. The goal of the proposed special session is to bring together researchers of these diverse fields to overview the recent advances and trends where sparse and low-rank modeling and applications are converging to new fundamental and practical paradigms that could also lead to the emergence of new speech technologies. An indicative non-exhaustive list of topics include: • Sparse modeling and low-rank modeling for separation and denoising • Sparse dimensionality reduction for feature extraction • Structured sparsity models underlying audio and speech representation • Sparse modeling and low-rank modeling for source localization • Sparse representation and low-rank representation for reverberant acoustic modeling • Applications in speech recognition, privacy-preserving speech processing, speaker recognition and authentication, speaker diarization, microphone array calibration, audio information retrieval, speech Submission of full papers*: February 2, 2014 Notification of acceptance: March 12, 2014 Submission of camera-ready papers: April 4, 2014 Submission of 2-page abstract/short paper**: April 4, 2014 * Updating the manuscripts is possible until February 9. ** Full papers will be included in the proceeding and the alternative short papers will be published on the website and presented as poster. Prof. Hervé Bourlard and Dr. Afsaneh Asaei Idiap Research Institute, Martigny, Switzerland,,
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