Laurent Jacques just sent me the following:
Hello Igor,....Here is one where some topics cover the field of compressive and computational imaging.Best regards,Laurent
It looks indeed intesting. Thanks Laurent
Here it is:
SPIE Photonics Europe 2014
Brussels, 14-17 April 2014
Optics, Photonics and Digital Technologies for Multimedia Applications (EPE114)
Moore's law has fostered the steady growth of the field of digital image processing, though computational complexity remains a significant problem for most of the digital image processing applications. At the same time, also research in the field of optical image processing has matured, potentially bypassing the limitations of digital approaches and giving rise to new applications. Additionally, from image acquisition perspective the rapid convergence of digital multimedia devices is driving a strong industrial growth of photonics technologies. Already, photonics based enablers can be found in a myriad of multimedia applications such as displays and image sensing, illumination systems, and high-performance light engines - all of which have major volume positions in the photonics market. Along with the growing interest for emerging multimedia applications the demand for new photonics enablers is steadily increasing, and new technologies are continuously created to meet the needs.
One example is the use of compact visible laser sources for laser projection systems, which are attracting considerable interest. In miniaturizing digital cameras new challenges emerge when striving for high performance combined with mass volume production. This requires the design of sophisticated lens elements and new types of imaging optics; optimized image processing pipelines; compact high-performance sensors etc. In addition, photonics has enabled fully digital media, with accompanied growth in image processing, in multimedia storage, retrieval and transmission techniques, and in related hardware and software. These new applications all have their specific requirements and put new challenges on the optical designs.
The aim of this conference is to create a joint forum for both research and application communities to share expertise, to solve present-day application bottlenecks and to propose new application areas. Consequently, this conference has a broad scope, ranging from basic and applied research to dissemination of existing knowledge. The conference sessions will address (but not be limited to) following topics:
• image acquisition (new sensors, image reconstruction, phase image restoration, image fusion, high dynamic range imaging, plenoptic imaging, compressive and computational imaging)
• miniature camera optics (imaging lenses, design, flashes, adaptive optics, wafer-level optics, novel lenses, extended depth of focus, etc.)
• miniature image sensors (CCD, CMOS, and others like OPD arrays)
• camera systems and characterization (system design, testing, metrics, standards, image processing chains)
• photonics components and enabling technologies for multimedia (micro-optics, lens arrays, filters, optical interconnects, optical storage)
• image transformations (wavelet theory, space theory, geometrical transforms, restoration)
• image analysis (motion estimation, segmentation, object tracking, pattern recognition)
• image information management (coding, cryptography, watermarking, storage and retrieval systems, resolution enhancement)
• scientific visualization
• multimedia displays and applications (3D visualization, near-eye, projection, holographic)
• optical engines for displays (LED and RGB-laser based engines, holographic modulators)
• display illumination (light guide solutions, micro-optics, design)
• interaction between architectures, systems or devices for optical and digital image processing
• quality of multimedia experience (objective an subjective quality assessment, quality metrics)
• applications (medical imaging, surveillance, security, remote sensing, industrial inspection, multimedia).
EU Cost Action IC 1003 - European Network on Quality of Experience in Multimedia Systems and Services (Qualinet) will act as technical sponsor of the event.
Critical Dates
Abstract Due Date: 4 November 2013
Manuscript Due Date: 17 March 2014
More information can be found at: program/index.cfm?fuseaction= conferencedetail&export_id= x12532&ID=x12295&redir=x12295. xml&conference_id=2036455& event_id=2014343
Conference Chairs: Peter Schelkens, Vrije Univ. Brussel (Belgium); Touradj Ebrahimi, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland); Gabriel Cristóbal, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científi cas (Spain); Frédéric Truchetet, Univ. de Bourgogne (France); Pasi Saarikko, Microsoft Oy (Finland)
Programme Committee: Jukka-Tapani Mäkinen, VTT Technical Research Ctr. of Finland (Finland); Jan T. Bosiers, Teledyne DALSA (Netherlands); Jana Dittmann, Otto-von-Guericke-Univ. Magdeburg (Germany); Marek Domanski, Univ. of Poznan (Poland); Boris Escalante-Ramírez, Univ. Nacional Autónoma de México (Mexico); Pascuala García-Martínez, Univ. de València (Spain); Laurent Jacques, Univ. Catholique de Louvain (Belgium); Tom R. L. Kimpe, Barco N.V. (Belgium); Dragan Kukolj, RT-RK Institute for Computer Based Systems (Serbia); Maria S. Millán García-Varela, Univ. Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain); Stuart W. Perry, Canon Information Systems Research (Australia); Martin Schrader, Nokia Research Ctr. (Finland); Lea Skorin-Kapov, Univ. of Zagreb (Croatia); Colin James Richard Sheppard, National Univ. of Singapore (Singapore); Athanassios N. Skodras, Hellenic Open Univ. (Greece); Andrew G. Tescher, AGT Associates (USA); Gerald Zauner, FH OÖ Forschungs & Entwicklungs GmbH (Austria)
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