Mac Arthur fellows are out and one of the winner is Dina Katabi whom we have mentioned here on her work on sFFT see recently some use of it in this entry (Slides of the Workshop on Sparse Fourier Transform Etc.) and using wifi signal to see through walls (she was mentioned on Nuit Blanche as early as 2008). Congratulations Dina !
In a different direction, since the last Around the blogs in 78 Summer hours: Big Data boot camp" at the Simons Institute and more...we have had several bloggers continuing their description of their experience at the Simons Insititute at Berkeley, among them we had:
Suresh- SIGACT CG Column: Moving heaven and earth
- Life at Simons
- More camping with high dimensional boots...
- Statistics, geometry and computer science.
who mentioned
and Moritz\
- The Zen of Gradient Descent
- What should a theory of Big Data say?
- Scalable Stan
- My talk Tues 24 Sept at 12h30 at Université de Technologie de Compiègne
- More on Bayesian methods and multilevel modeling
- Understanding posterior p-values
- Online conference for young statistics researchers
- Christian Robert on the Jeffreys-Lindley paradox; more generally, it’s good news when philosophical arguments can be transformed into technical modeling issues
- Paper of the Day (Po'D): Towards a universal representation for audio information retrieval and analysis Edition
- Formalizing Evaluation in Music Information Retrieval: A Look at the MIREX Automatic Mood Classification Task
- Paper of the Day (Po'D): Multi-label sparse coding for automatic image annotation Edition
- Deconstructing statistical questions and vacuous papers
Chapter Zero
- imec Presents its Image Sensor Technology
- Pelican Imaging Publishes Full Resolution Original Images
- Mike Tompsett's Presentation
and on Nuit Blanche:
- When Buffon’s needle problem meets the Johnson-Lindenstrauss Lemma
- GraphLab Internships
- Bayesian Robust Matrix Factorization for Image and Video Processing - implementation -
- Sunday Morning Insight: A conversation on Nanopore Sequencing and Signal Processing
- Sparse Localized Deformation Components - implementation -
- Video: Paris Machine Learning Meetup #3
- Sparse and Functional Principal Components Analysis - implementation -
- HTOpt: Optimization on the Hierarchical Tucker manifold - applications to tensor completion -implementation -
- Seeking hosts for the next SPARS'15 meeting.
- Ce soir: Paris Machine Learning Meetup #3: Lire dans les pensées grâce à Scikit-learn
- Slides: ENS/INRIA Visual Recognition and Machine Learning Summer School
- Videos and Slides: IPAM Graduate Summer School: Computer Vision
- Videos: Compressive Sensing Introduction by Mark Davenport
- Videos and Slides: IMA's course Applied Statistics and Machine Learning
- CfP: SPIE Compressive Sensing III Conference
- Why does L_1-norm induces sparsity ?
- CfP: International Journal on Computer Vision Special Issue on Sparse Coding
- Another Year in Reproducible Research in Compressive Sensing, Advanced Matrix Factorization and more
- Paris Meetup Groups: Machine Learning and GraphLab
- CSjob: Senior Lecturer, Victoria University, New Zealand.
- Saturday Morning Videos: Big Data Boot Camp, Alyosha Molnar on Angle-Sensitive Pixel-Based 3D Camera, Nanopore processes, Aggie Robot
- The Long Post of the Week,
Join the CompressiveSensing subreddit or the Google+ Community and post there !
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