David AI and Free Will: When do choices exist?
Jeremy Announcing my New Book: Exploring Arduino
Andrej CVPR 2013 reading list
Dan Playing detective with rolling shutter photos
John Some things can’t be done slowly
- Evaluation slides
- Classification accuracy is not enough
- Paper of the Day (Po'D): SOM Based Artistic Styles Visualization
- “Opening Education” in NAE’s The Bridge
- SPARFA – Sparse Factor Analysis for Learning and Content Analytics
- Linear-Nonlinear-Poisson Neurons
- Simpson’s paradox and Judea Pearl’s Causal Calculus
- “Deep Support Vector Machines for Regression Problems”
Jeremy Announcing my New Book: Exploring Arduino
Andrej CVPR 2013 reading list
Dan Playing detective with rolling shutter photos
John Some things can’t be done slowly
Christian Bayes 250th versus Bayes 2.5.0.
Sebastien Two summer readings on Big Data and Deep Learning
- Geometry of binary and multiple hypothesis testing
- Riemannian matrix centers
in that entry one can find the publication of one of Nuit Blanche's reader
- A cube, a starfish, a thin shell, and the central limit theorem
- Quatre années à Marne-la-Vallée
- Universal convergence
- Publications scientifiques : révolution du low cost
in that entry one can find the publication of one of Nuit Blanche's reader
Patrick R. Gill and David G. StorkDrs. Gill and Stork introduce a new type of diffractive element based on odd-symmetry phase gratings. Spiral arrangements of these gratings over photo sensors constitute a new class of unprecedentedly small computational camera.Avinash Kumar, Patrick R. Gill, Thomas Vogelsang, and David G. StorkDuring this presentation, Rambus engineers will describe novel methods of computing sharp shadows and depth estimates of objects immersed in highly scattering media using multi-scale structured transmissive illumination, such as modified Hadamard tiles.
- e2v wins Sir Arthur Clarke Award for Outstanding Achievement in Space
- Aptina Explains Clarity+ Technology, Reveals 1.1um Pixel Product
- Apple Demos New Camera Features
- Pseudo 3D Imager from Cornell University
- Point Grey Explains Sony Technology
- Nokia Lumia 1020 Features 1.1um BSI Pixel 41MP Sensors
- BBC on Computational Imaging
- Movidius Raises $16M, Gets New CEO, Moves to the Silicon Valley
- Sony Applies for Triangular and Hexagonal Pixels Patent
- Image Sensors at imec, Personal View
- Yole on Image Sensor Market
- BSI vs FSI at 2.4um Pixel Size
- ToF Imaging Review
- Toshiba 1.12um Pixel Mass Production Starts Today
- Inside Softkinetic ToF Camera
Timothy SIGGRAPH 2013 Course: Physically Based Shading in Theory and Practice
Josh Topology Optimization in GE Jet Engine Bracket Challenge Entry
Josh Topology Optimization in GE Jet Engine Bracket Challenge Entry
While on Nuit Blanche, we had
- SPARS13 plenary talks videos
- Recovery conditions for Greedy Solvers
- Videos: Workshop on Sparsity, Compressed Sensing and Applications
- 2nd GraphLab workshop videos release
- Call for Expression of Interest in hosting "SPARS15"
- Videos of the ICML2013 meeting - part II
- Videos of the ICML2013 meeting - Part I
- Cassini took a picture of you two days ago
- Examples of 1-bit hardware sensors
- Saturday Morning Videos: Trinity College Dublin's 86 years experiment
- PhD studentship: "Low-Dimensional Prior Models for Hyperspectral Images and Applications"
- ScatNet: An implementation of Scattering Networks transforms and classification algorithms
- Cluster expansion made easy with Bayesian compressive sensing
- Optimally weighted recovery of a low-rank signal matrix from a high-dimensional signal-plus-noise matrix - implementation -
- A small Q&A with Valerio Cambareri
- Embedding Multiclass Data Hiding in Compressed Sensing - implementation -
- Group Testing: GROTESQUE: Noisy Group Testing (Quick and Efficient), Efficient Probabilistic Group Testing Based on Traitor Tracing, Group testing algorithms: bounds and simulations
- Saturday Morning Videos: Man powered Helicopter, Squito, SLAM prototype, Grasshopper taking off and landing
- SPARC 2013 LIst of abstracts and Workshop on Theoretical Aspects of Big Data at CUHK abstracts
This image was taken by Navcam: Right B (NAV_RIGHT_B) onboard NASA's Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 344 (2013-07-25 15:42:34 UTC).
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
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