Since the last Nuit Blanche in Review (October 2016), a somewhat very interesting idea came out in the form of this paper
Identifying how certain parts of the brain do a specific computation is indeed an awesome idea !
We had a one implementation, a few in-depth papers but we also saw the release of numerous papers for NIPS and about 500 submissions for a 2 year old conference (ICLR)! Among these papers, one has drawn the attention:
It seems to promise a faster training time in Deep Learning. We'll see. In the meantime, The Paris Machine Learning meetup had to meetup (one regular and one 'Hors série') but most importantly, we have a website:
Enjoy the rest of the review !
Enjoy the rest of the review !
- Direct Feedback Alignment Provides Learning in Deep Neural Networks
- Efficient Convolutional Auto-Encoding via Random Convexification and Frequency-Domain Minimization
- Faster Kernel Ridge Regression Using Sketching and Preconditioning / Sharper Bounds for Regression and Low-Rank Approximation with Regularization
- Learning Kernels with Random Features
- An Elementary Proof of Convex Phase Retrieval in the Natural Parameter Space via the Linear Program PhaseMax / Compressed Sensing from Phaseless Gaussian Measurements via Linear Programming in the Natural Parameter Space
- Single-view phase retrieval of an extended sample by exploiting edge detection and sparsity
- Rapid, Robust, and Reliable Blind Deconvolution via Nonconvex Optimization / Self-Calibration via Linear Least Squares
- Stochastic CoSaMP: Randomizing Greedy Pursuit for Sparse Signal Recovery
- Lets keep it simple: using simple architectures to outperform deeper architectures
- Ternary Weight Decomposition and Binary Activation Encoding for Fast and Compact Neural Network / Sparsely Connected Neural Networks: Towards Efficient VLSI Implementation of Deep Neural Networks
- Understanding Neural Sparse Coding with Matrix Factorization
- CfP: SPARS 2017, Signal Processing with Adaptive Sparse Structured Representations
- NIPS: Advances In Neural Information Processing Systems 29 (NIPS 2016) pre-proceedings
- ICLR 2017: Sparse Coding, Canonical Correlation Analysis and Dictionary Learning
- ICLR2017: Identity and Invariance
- ICLR 2017: Lighter Networks
- Understanding Neural Sparse Coding with Matrix Factorization
Paris Machine Learning
- Paris Machine Learning Hors Serie #4 Season 4 on Deeplearning4j: Applying Deep Learning to business problems in production
- Paris Machine Learning Meetup #3 Season 4: OPECST, Correlations, Transfer Learning, DL @Amazon, Car Sales
- An Interesting Policy Event Tomorrow at the Paris Machine Learning meetup
- Saturday Morning Videos: Machine Learning Conference SF, November 11th, 2016
- Videostream: 3rd Workshop on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency in Machine Learning
- Saturday Morning Video: Random Projections for Probabilistic Inference, Stefano Ermon
- Saturday Morning Video: Error error error correcting correcting correcting codes codes codes, Mary Wootters
- Saturday Morning Videos: Hugo Larochelle's neural network & deep learning tutorial videos, subtitled & screengrabbed
Sunday Morning Insight
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