Happy New Year to y'all.
The Paris Machine Learning meetup now has 2973 members as of this writing. We have had more than 34 meetups so far. Here is a small review of what we have seen in the past year and half. First and foremost, we are thankful to the sponsors and speakers who made this happen.
With regards to the rooms provided, the following companies and organizations did provide us with the luxury of hosting people all around Paris in rooms ranging from a 100 to 250 people. On behalf of Franck and myself, a big Thank You to them.
- DojoCrea
- MathWorks
- Criteo
- Ecole 42
- Maltem Consulting Group
- ENS Ulm
- Société Française de Statistique
- MathWorks
- TheFamily
- TheAssets.co
The following sponsors provided food and drinks for the networking event afterwards. Here again thank you to them:
All these sponsors have understood that a vibrant Machine Learning community is an important signal. Did we see any trends in these past two years and a half ? Yes. Here are some:
The Longer Views
Over the course of less than one year and half, Andrew, Yoshua and Russ provided us with an outlook of how Deep Learning evolved. In a different direction, Leon opened our eyes on the bigger picture of counterintiutive reasoning. Chris showed us that data science proves to be a way to jump from one field to another. Isabelle is organizing a competition set up to discover the mother of all agorithms and Lenka made some insightful connection between computational complexity of algorithms with large datasets and statistiscal physics. Philippe and Samim provided an outlook of the diverse fields in which ML is beginning to have an impact. Let us hope the rest of season 3 will provide additional insights.
Technically, we had quite a few algorithm/development/tutorials talks ( SGD, Deep Learning, Kernel, NLP/Word Embeddings/Sentiment Analysis, Streaming algorithms, Bayes, Reinforcement Learning, Random Forest, Extreme Classification, Matrix Factorization, Computer Vision (SIFT;....), Model Composition, ELM/Shallow Neural Network, Nature Inspired), a whole slew of applications ( Telecoms, Fair Algorithms, Causality, Biology/Genomics, Robotics, Education, Botnet detection/Internet Security, Tax, HFT/RTB, Journalism, Animal Communications, Visualization , Finance, Creative AI, IoT, Hardware, Energy Use Data Centers), but also presentations and description of packages (Vowpal Wabbit, Scikit Learn, GraphLab/Dato, XGBoost, ML APIs, Rule Based ML, Add-ons) as well as a few announcements. Here is a more detailed listing:
General talks
General talks
Deep Learning
Season 3 (September 2015- June 2016)
Season 2 (Sept 2014 - July 2015)
Deep Learning
Starting mid-2014 it became clear that deep learning was becoming important because it did not require people to know the black magic involved in training these deep architectures. These models with large amounts of coefficients has yielded a flurry of new actionable features that could not be guessed through traditional techniques. Because of how rich those new features are, deep learning techniques are beginning to supersede and extend current state of the art methods with very little inside knowledge in diverse engineering fields: As long as there is lots of data, lots of it. The sudden appearance of a rich set of coefficients in these deep representation has also yielded some interesting development in the realm of creativty and the arts.
Competitions (Kaggle/AutoML...), Challenges
Kaggle, the Uber of algorithms :-) , has been shown, along with other challenge platforms, to be a great equalizer among algorithms. The results of these challenges have unearthed algorithms that some people thought were passé or academically irrelevant (Random Forests). This is noteworthy since these successes have yielded a renewed interest in making sense of these algorithms. These challenges have also shown to the masses that deep learning wasn't just about specific academic datasets and was in fact pretty powerful as long as you had lots of data. The recent emergence of a greedy solver (XGBoost) is a signal we also picked up. These competitions are game changers not just in business but also in academic circles.
We asked a few nonprofit projects to tell us about their needs in terms of Machine Learning or provide a panorama of their fields. Some were obvious fit since they were academic, they asked questions that are currently not being addressed by companies such as: How do you learn in a different way ? or is there a master algorithm ? Others projects were less obviously connected to Machine Learning at first but that impression eventually dissipated during and after the networking events.
We also saw the rise of APIs for ML algorithms recently. As specialists, we wondered about how to go beyond those interfaces. However, the need for these sorts of approaches are currently very much needed.
Companies/Startups and ML
We have had quite a few companies mentioning how they were using Machine Learning to improve their businesses. Some of these companies are transforming themselves while others looked like Machine Learning companies that fell into a specific fields. We also had a few local startups incuding some ambitious ones.
Social media
We started some social media accounts to provide a more direct connection between membrs of the group in between meetups. There is a group on LinkedIn, a Facebook page and a Google+ group. The idea is to provide a local scope of machine learning within Paris or France. The underlying reason for these group is to have a conversation on how Machine Learning is viewed and used by different stakeholders. We believe that many conversation need to happen. We also have a Twitter account and like to use the #MLParis hashtag. We also have a YouTube Playlist of most of the meetup videos . We have also streamlined our process with regards to producing the programs and have asked willing speakers to go and fill out this form. We have also set up a low frequency newsletter, go here if you want to receive it.
Nonprofits/projects ( The Hardest Challenges We Should be Unwilling to Postpone)
We asked a few nonprofit projects to tell us about their needs in terms of Machine Learning or provide a panorama of their fields. Some were obvious fit since they were academic, they asked questions that are currently not being addressed by companies such as: How do you learn in a different way ? or is there a master algorithm ? Others projects were less obviously connected to Machine Learning at first but that impression eventually dissipated during and after the networking events.
We also saw the rise of APIs for ML algorithms recently. As specialists, we wondered about how to go beyond those interfaces. However, the need for these sorts of approaches are currently very much needed.
Companies/Startups and ML
Social media
We started some social media accounts to provide a more direct connection between membrs of the group in between meetups. There is a group on LinkedIn, a Facebook page and a Google+ group. The idea is to provide a local scope of machine learning within Paris or France. The underlying reason for these group is to have a conversation on how Machine Learning is viewed and used by different stakeholders. We believe that many conversation need to happen. We also have a Twitter account and like to use the #MLParis hashtag. We also have a YouTube Playlist of most of the meetup videos . We have also streamlined our process with regards to producing the programs and have asked willing speakers to go and fill out this form. We have also set up a low frequency newsletter, go here if you want to receive it.
The Longer Views
Over the course of less than one year and half, Andrew, Yoshua and Russ provided us with an outlook of how Deep Learning evolved. In a different direction, Leon opened our eyes on the bigger picture of counterintiutive reasoning. Chris showed us that data science proves to be a way to jump from one field to another. Isabelle is organizing a competition set up to discover the mother of all agorithms and Lenka made some insightful connection between computational complexity of algorithms with large datasets and statistiscal physics. Philippe and Samim provided an outlook of the diverse fields in which ML is beginning to have an impact. Let us hope the rest of season 3 will provide additional insights.
The List
Technically, we had quite a few algorithm/development/tutorials talks ( SGD, Deep Learning, Kernel, NLP/Word Embeddings/Sentiment Analysis, Streaming algorithms, Bayes, Reinforcement Learning, Random Forest, Extreme Classification, Matrix Factorization, Computer Vision (SIFT;....), Model Composition, ELM/Shallow Neural Network, Nature Inspired), a whole slew of applications ( Telecoms, Fair Algorithms, Causality, Biology/Genomics, Robotics, Education, Botnet detection/Internet Security, Tax, HFT/RTB, Journalism, Animal Communications, Visualization , Finance, Creative AI, IoT, Hardware, Energy Use Data Centers), but also presentations and description of packages (Vowpal Wabbit, Scikit Learn, GraphLab/Dato, XGBoost, ML APIs, Rule Based ML, Add-ons) as well as a few announcements. Here is a more detailed listing:
General talks
- Andrew Ng, Baidu, Chief Scientist, Coursera Chairman, Stanford, Deep Learning: Machine learning and AI via large-scale neural networks (Video starts at 34 minutes and 34 seconds)
- Yoshua Bengio, University of Montreal, Deep Learning Theory
- Leon Bottou (Microsoft Research, ML group ) Learning to Interact
- Chris Wiggins, Chief Data Scientist, New York Times, What is a computational biologist doing at the New York Times? (and what can academia do for a 163-year old company?)
- Lenka Zdeborova, IPhT, CEA, How hard is it to find a needle in a haystack?
- Philippe Nieuwbourg, How to transform data into dollars…
- Isabelle Guyon, AutoML Challenge presentation (ppt), (pdf), ChaLearn Automatic Machine Learning Challenge (AutoML), Fully Automatic Machine Learning without ANY human intervention. ( short version pdf)
- Ludovic Denoyer, (UPMC-LIP6), Reinforcement Learning for Data Processing and Deep Reinforcement Learning ( 2:10:50 to 2:41:52 minutes in the video)
- Vincent Guigue (UPMC-LIP6) Tutorial Sentiment Analysis/Opinion Mining
General talks
- Andrew Ng, Baidu, Chief Scientist, Coursera Chairman, Stanford, Deep Learning: Machine learning and AI via large-scale neural networks (Video starts at 34 minutes and 34 seconds)
- Yoshua Bengio, University of Montreal, Deep Learning Theory
- Leon Bottou (Microsoft Research, ML group ) Learning to Interact
- Chris Wiggins, Chief Data Scientist, New York Times, What is a computational biologist doing at the New York Times? (and what can academia do for a 163-year old company?)
- Lenka Zdeborova, IPhT, CEA, How hard is it to find a needle in a haystack?
- Philippe Nieuwbourg, How to transform data into dollars…
- Isabelle Guyon, AutoML Challenge presentation (ppt), (pdf), ChaLearn Automatic Machine Learning Challenge (AutoML), Fully Automatic Machine Learning without ANY human intervention. ( short version pdf)
Nonpofits/projects ( The Hardest Challenges We Should be Unwilling to Postpone)
Companies/Startups and general presentations in relation to ML
- Nicolas Le Roux, Criteo presentation ( also presentation of Criteo by Damien Lefortier)
- Rand Hindi, Olivier Corradi, Snips Lightning talk (at 7 minutes and 19 seconds in the video) Presentation slides
- Alberto Bietti, Quora, Machine learning applications for growing the world’s knowledge at Quora
- Yves Raimond, Machine Learning at Netflix , Netflix
- Chris Wiggins, Chief Data Scientist, New York Times, What is a computational biologist doing at the New York Times? (and what can academia do for a 163-year old company?)
- Amine El Helou, Laurence Vachon, MathWorks. “MATLAB for Data Science and Machine Learning” (talk given in French at 35 minutes and 50 seconds in the video)
- Julie Josse et Gérard Biau Presentation of Société Française de Statistique(in French)
- Gerard Dupont, Airbus Defense and Space, Unstructured data processing – why ? How ? Practical machine learning for intelligence applications
- Matthieu Boussard, Craft.ai (in French) Learning and behavior trees
- Félix Revert, smartsubs.fr, Du Machine Learning dans l'éducation des langues étrangères ?
- Mouhidine Seiv, Riminder.net
- Guillaume Pitel, eXenSa, Analyzing Wikipedia with NCISC From (almost) every conceivable angle / Analyser Wikipedia en long, en large, et en travers avec NCISC
- Olivier Roberdet: Prizm, The First Learning Music Player (Kickstarter)
- Philippe Duhamel and Nicolas Chollet ,Clustaar , Extract Consumer Insight from Seach Engine Queries
- Loïc Cessot, Kolibree, The world's first connected toothbrush.
- James Nacass API de trading www.bigdtrade.com
Competitions (Kaggle/AutoML...), Challenges
- Emmanuel Dupoux, ENS Ulm, A report on the Zero Resource Speech Challenge (INTERSPEECH 2015). Earlier: Emmanuel Dupoux, ENS/LPS, The Zero Resource Speech Challenge (presentation pdf, presentation ppt )
- Romain Ayres (UPMC), Eric Biernat (OCTO) and Matthieu Scordia (Dataiku): Tradeshift Kaggle Challenge. Code for the online learning model and the model stack. Balazs Kegl: “Learning to discover: machine learning in high-energy physics and the HiggsML challenge
- Amine El Helou, Mathworks, slides , Kaggle's Right Whale competition
- Isabelle Guyon and Lukasz Romaszko (ChaLearn): Presentation of the AutoML challenge. Tips to solve it and win!
- AutoML, Isabelle Guyon, AutoML Challenge presentation (ppt), (pdf), ChaLearn Automatic Machine Learning Challenge (AutoML), Fully Automatic Machine Learning without ANY human intervention. ( short version pdf)
- Lightning talk: Jean-Baptiste Tien, Criteo, Update on the Kaggle Criteo contest
- Classifying plankton with deep neural networks by the Deep Sea team from Reservoir Lab ( ppt version ) Sander Dieleman and Ira Korshunova, Ghent University
- Deep ConvNets; "Astounding" baseline for vision, Pierre Sermanet, New York University
- Pierre Sermanet , New York University , Winning Kaggle's Dog's vs Cats (remote presentation from New York)
- Les compétitions Kaggle, un moyen fun et instructif pour mesurer ses compétences en machine learning, Matthieu Scordia
- Allstate challenge @Kaggle, Kenji Lefevre
- Kenji Lefèvre-Hasegawa , 'Dataiku Science Studio', What does it take to win the Kaggle/Yandex competition ?
- Tomasz Malisiewicz, VMX Project: Computer Vision for Everyone (remote presentation from Boston), Vision.ai
- Allen Yang, Atheer One, what it feels like to have superpowers (remote presentation from Mountain View)
Nonpofits/projects ( The Hardest Challenges We Should be Unwilling to Postpone)
- Paul Duan, BayesImpact pdf presentation, BayesImpact
- Frederic le Manach, Bloomassociation, On Subsidizing overfishing pdf, (ppt)
- Jean-Philippe Encausse, S.A.R.A.H, presentation pdf, (ppt)
- Gael Langevin, "Can Inmoov be enhanced with Machine Learning ?", Inmoov ( 11 to 24 minutes in the video, Questions 1:13:00 to 1:24:45)
- Franck Bardol, Donner un sens aux donnees des ONGs.
- Sunday Morning Insight: The Hardest Challenges We Should be Unwilling to Postpone
- SARAH by Jean-Philippe Encausse
Deep Learning
- Yoshua Bengio, University of Montreal, Deep Learning Theory
- Ruslan Salakhutdinov, University of Toronto, Learning Multimodal Deep Models (remote from Toronto and in English, starts at 1 hour 06 minutes and 08 seconds in the video)
- Classifying plankton with deep neural networks by the Deep Sea team from Reservoir Lab ( ppt version ) Sander Dieleman and Ira Korshunova, Ghent University
- Camille Couprie, IFPEN, Semantic scene labeling using feature learning
videos: Video 1, Video 2, Video 3, Video 4 - Yaroslav Bulatov, Google, Multi-digit Number Recognition for Street View Imagery using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
- Maxime Oquab (INRIA) http://www.di.ens.fr/willow/research/cnn/ Object and action recognition with Convolutional Neural Networks.
- Gabriel Synnaeve, Convolutional Neural Networks 101
- Pierre Sermanet , New York University , Winning Kaggle's Dog's vs Cats
NLP/Word Embeddings/Sentiment Analysis
Bayesian approaches
- Machine Learning for personalized medicine / Apprentissage statistique pour la médecine personnalisée, Jean-Philippe Vert, Mines Paris Tech/ Institut Curie
NLP/Word Embeddings/Sentiment Analysis
- Charles Ollion (Heuritech) Tutorial on vector representation of words (Word2Vec, GloVe)
- Sentiment Analysis With Recursive Neural Tensor Network / Analyse de sentiment à l'aide de réseaux de neurones récursifs Guillaume Wenzek, Proxem
- Emanuela Boros, "Learning word representations for event extraction from text"
- Vincent Guigue (UPMC-LIP6) Tutorial Sentiment Analysis/Opinion Mining
- S. Muthu MuthuKrishnan, Rutgers University (remote) : Data Stream Algorithms: Developments and Implications for ML
- Sam Bessalah, Stream Mining via Abstract Algebra (ppt version)
Bayesian approaches
- Andrew Gelman, Columbia University, Modélisation hiérarchique, pooling partiel et l’interrogation de bases de données virtuelles
- Christian Robert Paris Dauphine, "Testing as estimation: the demise of the Bayes factors" (talk given in French, starts at 2 hours 26 minutes and 00 seconds in the video)
- Gabriel Synnaeve, Bayesian Programming and Learning for Multi-Player Video Games
- Maël Primet, Snips, Machine Learning for Context-Awareness
- Ludovic Denoyer, (UPMC-LIP6), Reinforcement Learning for Data Processing and Deep Reinforcement Learning ( 2:10:50 to 2:41:52 minutes in the video)
- Association problem in wireless networks : Policy Gradient Reinforcement Learning approach, Stephane Senecal., Orange
Random Forest
Extreme Classification
Matrix Factorization
- Learning to build representations from partial information: Application to cold-start recommendation by Gabriella Contardo, (UPMC-LIP6)
- LibFM, Thierry Silbermann,, University of Konstanz, libFM & Factorization Machines ( 1:24:45 to 2:10:42 minutes in the video)
- Andrew Lan (SPARFA, Rice University) SPARFA: Sparse Factor Analysis for Learning and Content Analytics.
- Guillaume Pitel, eXenSa, Analyzing Wikipedia with NCISC From (almost) every conceivable angle / Analyser Wikipedia en long, en large, et en travers avec NCISC
- Advanced Matrix Factorizations, Machine Learning and all that, Igor Carron
Computer Vision (SIFT;....)
Model Composition
Model Composition
- The Automatic Statistician, Zoubin Ghahramani, University of Cambridge, site: The Automatic Statistician ( Video at 30m50s)
ELM/Shallow Neural Network
Nature Inspired
Fair Algorithms
- Certifying and removing Disparate Impact, Suresh Venkatasubramanian,University of Utah and Sorelle Friedler, Haverford College, Site: Computational Fairness ( Video at 5m28s)
- Jennifer Listgarten Microsoft Research New England, In Silico predictive modeling of CRISPR/cas9 guiding efficiency.
- Mind Reading with Scikit-learn / Lire dans les pensées avec le Scikit-learn, Alexandre Gramfort, Telecom ParisTech - CNRS LTCI
- Machine Learning for personalized medicine / Apprentissage statistique pour la médecine personnalisée, Jean-Philippe Vert, Mines Paris Tech/ Institut Curie
- Jean-Baptiste Mouret, INRIA/UPMC-ISIR, "Robots that can recover from damage in minutes" . Attendant video: https://youtu.be/T-c17RKh3uE - (talk given in French, starts at 2 hours 06 minutes and 40 seconds in the video)
Botnet detection/Internet Security
- Anaël Bonneton (ANSSI, Agence Nationale de la Sécurité des systèmes d'information) Botnet detection with time series decision trees.
- R , information security , large protocol inspection and state machine analysis, Imad Soltani,
- Michael Benesty, TAJ, ML use case for French tax audit, Préparation d'un contrôle fiscal en France par l'utilisation du gradient boosting sur une comptabilité
- Nicolas Sauret, chef de projet médias à l'IRI (Centre Pompidou) et Bertrand Delezoide, Multimedia Research Team Leader (CEA-LVIC). Periplus: Articuler éditorialisation algorithmique et humaine
- Claude de Loupy, co-fondateur de Syllabs, Analyse sémantique & création de contenus textuels.
- Chrystèle Bazin, Des robots et des journalistes: Les mutations de l’information à l’heure du big data
- François-Xavier Fringant, co-fondateur de Dataveyes, spécialisée dans les interactions Hommes-Données.
- Yves Lempérière (Capital Fund Management) "200 years of trend following"
- Gautier Marti (Hellebore Capital), "How to cluster random walks? - Application to the Credit Default Swap market"
- Samim Winiger, Roelof Pieters , Tales from a deeply generative summer: The coming of age of Creative AI
- Samim Winiger, "Experiments on #ComputationalComedy and A.I." (remote from Berlin and in English , starts at 58 minutes and 22 seconds in the video
- Vowpal Wabbit:
- John Langford, Microsoft Research NY, "Vowpal Wabbit" Tutorial presentation slides ( 33:31 to 1:12:45 in the video, in English)
- Heloise Nonne, Quantmetry, "Online learning, Vowpal Wabbit and Hadoop" (talk given in French at 12 minutes and 19 seconds in the video)
- Scikit Learn
- GraphLab/Dato:
- XGBoost:
- Louis Dorard, Machine Learning APIs War: Amazon vs Google vs BigML vs PredicSis, Related blog entry. Louis Dorard , Les APIs de prediction
- Florence Benezit-Gajic, PredicSis, "PredicSis: Prediction API" (talk given in English, starts at 1 hour 47 minutes and 55 seconds in the video)
- Rebiha Rahba, Identification des ""Trending Topics"" ou comment utiliser le Machine Learning pour identifier les sujets qui font l'actualité ?
- LocalSolver
- Nomoseed:
- Cédric Coussinet, http://nomoseed.org, Langage Nomo
- Cédric Coussinet, Une demo de Nomoseed. http://www.nomoseed.com
- Import.io (ppt), Laurent Revel , Import.io,
ML and Data Science
- Machine Learning et Entreprise , Francois-Xavier Rousselot ( Video at 1h16m )
- Christophe Bourguignat, Building a Data Science Team (other)
- Arnaud de Myttenaere, Tips and advices for machine learning challenges
- Louis Dorard, PAPIs io
- Olivier de Fresnoye, Epidemium (presentation slides), epidemium.cc
- Christophe Bourguignat, www.frenchdata.fr
- Maxime Pico, Startup42, slides.
Related links
- Meetup.com to register,
- on LinkedIn to post jobs,
- on Facebook or
- on Google+ for follow-on discussions,
- on Twitter account, #MLParis
- YouTube Playlist of most of the meetup videos
- want to do a presentation ? go fill this form here.
- want to receive a low frequency newsletter, go here
All the slides and videos of the previous meetups can be found below:
Season 3 (September 2015- June 2016)
- Paris Machine Learning #4 Season 3, December 9th, 2015. Meetup was hosted by Société Française de Statistique. The networking event is sponsored by MathWorks. Video is here.
- Franck Bardol and Igor Carron, Introduction
- short announcement: Louis Dorard, PAPIs io
- Amine El Helou, Laurence Vachon, Machine Learning for IoT analytics
- Julie Josse et Gérard Biau Presentation of Société Française de Statistique(in French)
- Yves Raimond, Machine Learning at Netflix (in French)
- Matthieu Boussard, craft.ai (in French) Learning and behavior trees
- Jennifer Listgarten Microsoft Research, In Silico predictive modeling of CRISPR/cas9 guiding efficiency.
- Paris Machine Learning #3 Season 3, November 18th, 2015, Meetup at hosted and sponsored by Criteo . Video of the event is here.
- Franck Bardol, Igor Carron, Meetup introduction
- Nicolas Le Roux, Criteo presentation
- Emmanuel Dupoux, ENS Ulm, A report on the Zero Resource Speech Challenge (INTERSPEECH 2015)
- Olivier de Fresnoye, Epidemium (presentation slides), epidemium.cc
- Rebiha Rahba, Identification des ""Trending Topics"" ou comment utiliser le Machine Learning pour identifier les sujets qui font l'actualité ?
- Félix Revert, Du Machine Learning dans l'éducation des langues étrangères ?
- Paris Machine Learning #2 Season 3, October 18th, 2015 (video is here)
- The meetup took place at SNIPS and was sponsored by Mathworks.
- Franck Bardol, Igor Carron,
- Raphael Puget, LIP6, starts a 14 mins 31 s Extreme multi-class classification with large number of categories / Classification multi-class dans un très grand nombre de catégories.
- R , information security , large protocol inspection and state machine analysis, Imad Soltani,
- "RTB à la Quant", JFT
- Mouhidine Seiv, Riminder.net
- Amine El Helou, Mathworks, Upcoming webinar Machine Learning for Sensor Data Analytics,
- Paris Machine Learning Meetup #1 Season 3, September 9th, 2015, Snips hosted and sponsored this event. Video is here.
- Igor Carron, Franck Bardol, "September, when did that happen ?"
- Samim Winiger, Roelof Pieters , Tales from a deeply generative summer: The coming of age of Creative AI
- Rand Hindi, Snips
- Maxime Pico, Startup42, slides.
- Christophe Bourguignat, www.frenchdata.fr
- Amine El Helou, Mathworks, slides , Kaggle's Right Whale competition
Season 2 (Sept 2014 - July 2015)
- Paris Machine Learning Meetup #10 Season 2 Finale: "And so it begins": Deep Learning, Recovering Robots, Vowpal and Hadoop, Predicsis, Matlab, Bayesian test, Experiments on #ComputationalComedy & A.I. June 17th, 2015. Mathworks hosted and sponsored this event. The video is here.
- Franck Bardol, Igor Carron, Meetup Presentation
- Olivier Corradi, Snips.net Lightning talk (at 7 minutes and 19 seconds in the video) Presentation slides
- Heloise Nonne, Quantmetry, "Online learning, Vowpal Wabbit and Hadoop" (talk given in French at 12 minutes and 19 seconds in the video)
- Amine El Helou, Laurence Vachon, MathWorks. “MATLAB for Data Science and Machine Learning” (talk given in French at 35 minutes and 50 seconds in the video)
- Samim Winiger, "Experiments on #ComputationalComedy and A.I." (remote from Berlin and in English , starts at 58 minutes and 22 seconds in the video)
- Ruslan Salakhutdinov, University of Toronto, Learning Multimodal Deep Models (remote from Toronto and in English, starts at 1 hour 06 minutes and 08 seconds in the video)
- Florence Benezit-Gajic, PredicSis, "PredicSis: Prediction API" (talk given in English, starts at 1 hour 47 minutes and 55 seconds in the video)
- Jean-Baptiste Mouret, INRIA/UPMC, "Robots that can recover from damage in minutes" . Attendant video: https://youtu.be/T-c17RKh3uE - (talk given in French, starts at 2 hours 06 minutes and 40 seconds in the video)
- Christian Robert Paris Dauphine, "Testing as estimation: the demise of the Bayes factors" (talk given in French, starts at 2 hours 26 minutes and 00 seconds in the video)
- Paris Machine Learning Meetup #9, Season 2: ML @Quora and @Airbus and in HFT, Tax, APIs war. May 13th, 2015. AXA Data Innovation Lab hosted and sponsored this event. The video is here.
- Alberto Bietti, Quora, Machine learning applications for growing the world’s knowledge at Quora
- Michael Benesty, TAJ, ML use case for French tax audit, Préparation d'un contrôle fiscal en France par l'utilisation du gradient boosting sur une comptabilité
- Louis Dorard, Machine Learning APIs War: Amazon vs Google vs BigML vs PredicSis, Related blog entry.
- Gerard Dupont, Airbus Defense and Space, Unstructured data processing – why ? How ? Practical machine learning for intelligence applications
- Joaquin Fernandez-Tapia "High-Frequency Trading and On-Line Learning"
- Christophe Bourgignat, AXA, remise les prix du dernier concours DataScience.net AXA
- Igor Carron, Franck Bardol, Paris Machine Learning: Where Are We ?
- Paris Machine Learning "Hors Série" #3 (Season 2): AutoML Challenge Hackaton, April 23rd, 2015. The meetup was hosted and sponsored by ESPCI.
- Isabelle Guyon and Lukasz Romaszko (ChaLearn): Presentation of the AutoML challenge. Tips to solve it and win!
- Olivier Grisel (INRIA): How to use Scikit-Learn to solve machine learning problems.
- iPython notebook example given in talk
- iPython notebook to solve round 1of the AutoML challenge
- Julien Demouth (NVIDIA): Deep Neural Networks and GPUs.
- Paris Machine Learning Meetup #8, Season 2: Deep Learning and more... April 15th, 2015. The meetup was hosted and sponsored by Criteo. Video is here. The meetup was in conjunction with Deep Learning Paris meetup, Kiev Deep Learning Meetup, London Machine Learning Meetup.
- Presentation of Criteo by Damien Lefortier
- Yoshua Bengio, Title: Deep Learning Theory by Yoshua Bengio,
- Classifying plankton with deep neural networks by the Deep Sea team from Reservoir Lab
( ppt version ) Sander Dieleman and Ira Korshunova, Ghent University - Learning to build representations from partial information: Application to cold-start recommendation by Gabriella Contardo, LIP6, UPMC
- Sentiment Analysis With Recursive Neural Tensor Network / Analyse de sentiment à l'aide de réseaux de neurones récursifs Guillaume Wenzek
- Paris Machine Learning #7 Season 2: Fair Algorithms, The Automatic Statistician, ML & Entreprise. The meetup was hosted at Ecole 42. Video is here.
- Machine Learning et Entreprise , Francois-Xavier Rousselot ( Video at 1h16m )
- The Automatic Statistician, Zoubin Ghahramani, Cambridge University, site: The Automatic Statistician ( Video at 30m50s)
- Certifying and removing Disparate Impact, Suresh Venkatasubramanian,University of Utah and Sorelle Friedler, Haverford College, Site: Computational Fairness ( Video at 5m28s)
- Paris Machine Learning #6 Season 2: Vowpal Wabbit, RL, Inmoov, libFM and more....The meetup was hosted by Ecole 42. The video is here.
- Franck Bardol, Igor Carron, Qu'est ce que le Machine Learning ( 0 to 11 minutes in the video)
- John Langford, Microsoft Research NY, "Vowpal Wabbit" Tutorial presentation slides ( 33:31 to 1:12:45 in the video, in English)
- Ludovic Denoyer, LIP6, Reinforcement Learning for Data Processing and Deep Reinforcement Learning ( 2:10:50 to 2:41:52 minutes in the video)
- Gael Langevin, "Can Inmoov be enhanced with Machine Learning ?", www.inmoov.fr/ ( 11 to 24 minutes in the video, Questions 1:13:00 to 1:24:45)
- Thierry Silbermann, University of Konstanz, libFM & Factorization Machines ( 1:24:45 to 2:10:42 minutes in the video)
- Paris Machine Learning Meetup "Hors Série" 2 (Season 2) Data Science for Non-Profits. The meetup was held at TheAssets.co. The video of the meetup is here (in French). A summary of the meetup is at: Sunday Morning Insight: The Hardest Challenges We Should be Unwilling to Postpone
- Isabelle Guyon, AutoML Challenge presentation (ppt), (pdf), ChaLearn Automatic Machine Learning Challenge (AutoML), Fully Automatic Machine Learning without ANY human intervention. ( short version pdf)
- Paul Duan, BayesImpact pdf presentation, http://www.bayesimpact.org
- Frederic le Manach, http://www.bloomassociation.org, On Subsidizing overfishing pdf, (ppt)
- Jean-Philippe Encausse, S.A.R.A.H, presentation pdf, (ppt)
- Emmanuel Dupoux, ENS/LPS, The Zero Resource Speech Challenge (presentation pdf, presentation ppt )
- Paris Machine Learning #5 Season 2, Time Series and FinTech, Adversarial Algos: January 14th, 2015. Meetup held and sponsored by the Maltem Consulting Group. Video of the meetup is here (French).
- Anaël Bonneton (Agence Nationale de la Sécurité des systèmes d'information) Botnet detection with time series decision trees.
- Yves Lempérière (Capital Fund Management) "200 years of trend following"
- Gautier Marti (Hellebore Capital), "How to cluster random walks? - Application to the Credit Default Swap market"
- James Nacass API de trading www.bigdtrade.com
- Paris Machine Learning #4 Season 2, Tips and advices for machine learning challenges, Biochemical Probabilistic Computation, Bias-variance decomposition in Random Forests and more. December 9th, 2014. Meetup sponsored by ANEO (http://aneo.eu/) and held at DojoCrea. Video in French here.
- Paris Machine Learning #3 Season 2: Building a Data Science Team, Opinion Mining, Word2Vec, Kaggle . November 11th, 2014. Event sponsored by ANEO (http://aneo.eu/) and held at DojoCrea. Video in French here (Parisson) or here (Google Hangout).
- Romain Ayres (UPMC), Eric Biernat (OCTO) and Matthieu Scordia (Dataiku): Tradeshift Kaggle Challenge. Code for the online learning model and the model stack.
- Christophe Bourguignat, Building a Data Science Team (other)
- Vincent Guigue (UPMC-LIP6) Tutorial Opinion Mining
- Charles Ollion (Heuritech) Tutorial on vector representation of words (Word2Vec, GloVe)
- Paris Machine Learning #2 Season 2: : Learning Causality, Words, the Higgs & more. October 15th, 2014. Event sponsored by ANEO and held at DojoCrea. Video is here.
- David Lopez-Paz, "Learning to learn causality" remote from Germany.
- Emanuela Boros, "Learning word representations for event extraction from text"
- Balazs Kegl: “Learning to discover: machine learning in high-energy physics and the HiggsML challenge"
- Cédric Coussinet, Une demo de Nomoseed. http://www.nomoseed.com
- Franck Bardol, Donner un sens aux donnees des ONGs.
- Olivier Roberdet: Prizm, The First Learning Music Player (Kickstarter)
- Hors-Série:#1 Data Journalisme; ,Tuesday, September 30th, 201. Held at NUMA and sponsored by HopWork. Video of the Meetup
- Chris Wiggins, Chief Data Scientist au New York Times, What is a computational biologist doing at the New York Times? (and what can academia do for a 163-year old company?)
- Nicolas Sauret, chef de projet médias à l'IRI (Centre Pompidou) et Bertrand Delezoide, Multimedia Research Team Leader (CEA-LVIC). Periplus: Articuler éditorialisation algorithmique et humaine
- Claude de Loupy, co-fondateur de Syllabs, Analyse sémantique & création de contenus textuels.
- Chrystèle Bazin, Des robots et des journalistes: Les mutations de l’information à l’heure du big data
- François-Xavier Fringant, co-fondateur de Dataveyes, spécialisée dans les interactions Hommes-Données,
- #1 Paris Machine Learning #1 Season 2, A new Beginning: Snips, Nomo, Clustaar and more... (September 17th, 2014 at DojoCrea).Video of the meetup.
- Franck Bardol, Igor Carron, Introduction, What's New....
- Lightning talk: Jean-Baptiste Tien, Criteo, Update on the Kaggle Criteo contest
- Maël Primet, Snips, Machine Learning for Context-Awareness
- Cédric Coussinet, http://nomoseed.org, Langage Nomo
- Philippe Duhamel & Nicolas Chollet (www.clustaar.com) , Extract Consumer Insight from Seach Engine Queries
Season 1 (June 2013 - July 2014)
- Epilogue Season 1 (July 2014 at DojoCrea)
- #12: Paris Machine Learning Meetup #12: Season 1 Finale (June 16th held and sponsored at Google Paris). The remote presentation by Andrew Ng was synchronized with Zurich, Berlin and London.
- Europe Wide Machine Learning Meetup and Paris Machine Learning #12: Season 1 Finale, Andrew Ng and More...
- Saturday Morning Video: Europe Wide Machine Learning Meetup: Andrew Ng and more....
- Program:
- Francois Sterin
- Bastien Legras
- Andrew Ng, Baidu Chief Scientist, Coursera Chairman, Stanford (remote)
- S. Muthu MuthuKrishnan, Rutgers (remote) : Data Stream Algorithms: Developments and Implications for ML
- Yaroslav Bulatov, Google SF (remote), Multi-digit Number Recognition for Street View Imagery using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
- Camille Couprie, IFPEN, Semantic scene labeling using feature learning
- Sam Bessalah, Stream Mining via Abstract Algebra (ppt version)
- #11: Paris Machine Learning Meetup #11 SPARFA Learning Analytics, Learning to Interact and more.. (May 14th, 2014. Held at and sponsored by Criteo)
- Louis Dorard , Les APIs de prediction
- Andrew Lan (SPARFA, Rice University) SPARFA: Sparse Factor Analysis for Learning and Content Analytics.
- Leon Bottou (Microsoft Research, ML group ) Learning to Interact
- Maxime Oquab (INRIA) http://www.di.ens.fr/willow/research/cnn/ Object and action recognition with Convolutional Neural Networks.
- #10: Paris Machine Learning Meetup #10: Dolphin Communications, Big Data, ConvNets and Quantum Computers (April 9th, 2014. Held at TheFamily and sponsored by HopWork)
- Brenda McCowan, Unraveling Dolphin Communication Complexity, Past approaches and next steps (YouTube video is here)
- Philippe Nieuwbourg, How to transform data into dollars…
- Gabriel Synnaeve, Convolutional Neural Networks 101
- Guillaume Palacios, The D-Wave “Quantum Computer” Myths and Realities
- Summary and video of the meetup
- Hors Serie: Paris Machine Learning Specialist Talk: Pierre Sermanet on OverFeat, Deep ConvNets (April 3rd, 2014. Held at Normale Sup)
- #9 Paris Machine Learning Meetup #9: GraphLab, LocalSolver, Import.io and Matrix Factorization and Machine Learning (March 12th, 2014, held at and sponsored by DojoCrea)
- Lightning talk:
- The presentations:
- GaphLab, Unleash Data Science (ppt), Danny Bickson, GraphLab (remote presentation from Israel)
- LocalSolver : A New Kind of Math Programming Solver, Julien Darlay
- Import.io (ppt), Laurent Revel , Import.io,
- Advanced Matrix Factorizations, Machine Learning and all that, Igor Carron
- #8: Paris Machine Learning Meetup #8: Finding a needle in a Haystack, Beyond SGD, Analyser Wikipedia, Kolibree, Winning Kaggle "Dogs vs Cats" (February 12th, 2014, held at and sponsored by DojoCrea)
- Blog entry presenting the meetup
- The program
- Presentation of the meetup, Franck Bardol, Frederic Dembak, Igor Carron
- Lenka Zdeborova, IPT, CEA, How hard is it to find a needle in a haystack?
- Francis Bach, INRIA, Beyond stochastic gradient descent for large-scale machine learning.
- Guillaume Pitel, eXenSa, Analyzing Wikipedia with NCISC From (almost) every conceivable angle / Analyser Wikipedia en long, en large, et en travers avec NCISC
- Loïc Cessot, Kolibree, The world's first connected toothbrush.
- Pierre Sermanet , NYU, Winning Kaggle's Dog's vs Cats (remote presentation from New York)
- Organizers: Franck Bardol, Frederic Dembak, Igor Carron
- #7: VMX , Atheer One,VLAD and What does it take to win the Kaggle/Yandex competition ? (January 15th, 2014.held at and sponsored by DojoCrea).
- Summary of the meetup: "We already have cats under control"
- Video of the Meetup
- The program:
- Tomasz Malisiewicz, VMX Project: Computer Vision for Everyone (remote presentation from Boston)
- Allen Yang, Atheer One, what it feels like to have superpowers (remote presentation from Mountain View)
- Patrick Perez From image to descriptors and back again
- Kenji Lefèvre-Hasegawa , 'Dataiku Science Studio', What does it take to win the Kaggle/Yandex competition ?
- #6: Playing with Kaggle/ Botnet detection with Neural Networks. Jouer avec Kaggle / Detection de Botnets ( December 11th, 2013, held at and sponsored by DojoCrea)
- Presentation, What's New, Franck Bardol, Frederic Dembak, Igor Carron
- Les compétitions Kaggle, un moyen fun et instructif pour mesurer ses compétences en machine learning, Matthieu Scordia
- Réseaux de neurones pour la détection de Botnets, Joseph Ghafari
- Organizers: Franck Bardol, Frederic Dembak, Igor Carron
- #5: Making Sense of Two Data Tsunamis: Genomics and the Internet of Things / La Génomique et l'Internet des Objets ( November 13, 2013, held at and sponsored by DojoCrea )
- Machine Learning for personalized medicine / Apprentissage statistique pour la médecine personnalisée, Jean-Philippe Vert
- SARAH by Jean-Philippe Encausse
- Video of the meetup (in French)
- Organizers: Franck Bardol, Frederic Dembak, Igor Carron
- Summary of the meeting
- Presentation/Context
- Announcement
- Live Streaming, Video provided by Guillaume Pellerin
- #4: Fake and Real Bayesian Worlds ( October 16, 2013, held at and sponsored by DojoCrea)
- Andrew Gelman, Modélisation hiérarchique, pooling partiel et l’interrogation de bases de données virtuelles
- Gabriel Synnaeve, Bayesian Programming and Learning for Multi-Player Video Games
- Summary Meeting #4,
- Announcement: Paris Machine Learning LinkedIn group and Meetup #4
- Organizers: Franck Bardol, Frederic Dembak, Igor Carron
- #3: Scikit-Learn et Lire dans les pensées (September 17, 2013, held at and sponsored by DojoCrea )
- Machine Learning: What is it good for ? Franck Bardol, Igor Carron
- Scikit-learn: une boite à outils de machine learning, Gaël Varoquaux,
- Mind Reading with Scikit-learn / Lire dans les pensées avec le Scikit-learn, Alexandre Gramfort,
- Summary: Video: Paris Machine Learning Meetup #3,
- Announcement: Ce soir: Paris Machine Learning Meetup #3: Lire dans les pensées grâce à Scikit-learn
- Organizers: Franck Bardol, Frederic Dembak, Igor Carron
- Video provided by Guillaume Pellerin
- #2: Machine Learning Use Case: Apprentissage renforcement appliqué aux telecoms (July 4th, OCTO Technology )
- #1: Machine Learning, First get together meeting ( June 5th, OCTO Technology )
- Organizers: Franck Bardol
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