Since the last Nuit Blanche in Review(December 2015) we had one implementation, a few in-depth entries, abook, three videos, four jobs and more. Enjoy !
- Speckle-learning-based object recognition through scattering media
- ACDC: A Structured Efficient Linear Layer
- Dimensionality-Dependent Generalization Bounds for $k$-Dimensional Coding Schemes
- Matrix Neural Networks
- Learning A Task-Specific Deep Architecture For Clustering / D3: Deep Dual-Domain Based Fast Restoration of JPEG-Compressed Images
- Multi-Processor Approximate Message Passing Using Lossy Compression
- Sub-Sampled Newton Methods
- ReconNet: Non-Iterative Reconstruction of Images from Compressively Sensed Random Measurements
- Random Features Roundup
- Sliiiiiiiime in the IrlS Machine Learning solver : IRLS and Slime Mold: Equivalence and Convergence
- On a Natural Dynamics for Linear Programming
- Dual Graph Regularized Latent Low-Rank Representation for Subspace Clustering
- A Review on Low-Rank Models in Signal and Data Analysis / An overview of low-rank matrix recovery from incomplete observations
- Blind Deconvolution Meets Blind Demixing: Algorithms and Performance Bounds
- Low-Rank Representation over the Manifold of Curves
- Data-based reconstruction of complex geospatial networks, nodal positioning and detection of hidden nodes
- Fast Integral Image Estimation at 1% measurement rate
- The many ways to solve the Linear Boltzman / Transport Equation
- Job: PhD studentship and Postdocs, Fellowship program at IBM Research related to data science for social good
- CSjob: Reader (Associate Professor) in Machine Learning & Computer Vision, University of Surrey, UK
- Job: Researcher (equivalent to Lecturer or higher) / Post Doctoral Researcher, Computational Mass Spectrometry Imaging and Informatics, NPL? Teddington, UK
- Job: 2 Postdocs and 2 PhD, Low-dimensional representations of high-dimensional data based on low-rank matrix approximations, in Mons, Belgium
- Saturday Morning Video: Recent advances in deep learning, Oriol Vinyals, Google
- Saturday Morning Video: NIPS 2015 Tutorial on Deep Learning by Geoffrey E. Hinton, Yann LeCun, and Yoshua Bengio
- CAI: Tank Implosion through Phase-based Video Motion Processing
Paris Machine Learning
- Bach, Leonardo, Cancer and the Search for the Master Algorithm. A short summary of last night's Paris Machine Learning Meetup (#5 Season 3)
- Paris Machine Learning Meetup #5 Season 3: "Large p, small n", AutoML, Music composition with LSTMs, Modeling Human Faces
- Paris Machine Learning Meetup: A Two Year and a Half Review
Credit photo: Courtesy of NASA/SDO and the AIA, EVE, and HMI science teams.
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