This past month, we were shocked to hear about Ernie Esser's Passing (and Legacy), a new Highly technical Reference Page was created (The Superiorization Methodology and Perturbation Resilience of Algorithms), the Paris Machine Learning Meetup #7 Season 2 took place (Automatic Statistician, ML et Entreprise, Algo Fairness/ Certifying and removing Disparate Impact). In the meantime, we are collectively waiting for something new (No Pressure) 20 years later. our part of the blogosphere showed us The great Convergence in Action.
The previous Nuit Blanche in Review for February 2015 is here.
In the meantime, a few implementations were made available by their authors:
- Python version of SPGL1 - implementation -
- Thesis: Spectral classification using convolutional neural networks, Pavel Hála - implementation -
- DECOPT - DEcomposition Convex OPTimization - implementation -
- Variational Inference for Sparse Spectrum Approximation in Gaussian Process Regression -implementation -
- Sunday Morning Insight: Muon Tomography of Fukushima Daiichi's reactor #1
- Sunday Morning Insight: Another Strange PSF in the Wild
Two theses
Around the blogs
- Thesis: Gravimetric Anomaly Detection using Compressed Sensing by Ryan Kappedal
- Thesis: Compressive Power Spectral Analysis by Dyonisius Ariananda
- Deep Transform: Time-Domain Audio Error Correction via Probabilistic Re-Synthesis, Cocktail Party Source Separation via Probabilistic Re-Synthesis
- Real-time Dynamic MRI Reconstruction using Stacked Denoising Autoencoder
- Enhanced Image Classification With a Fast-Learning Shallow Convolutional Neural Network
- Improving M-SBL for Joint Sparse Recovery using a Subspace Penalty
- LiSens, Photometric stereo using BRDF dictionaries, CS-MUVI
- Infinite-dimensional $\ell^1$ minimization and function approximation from pointwise data
- Devising Measurement Matrices
- Single and multiple snapshot compressive beamforming
- Everybody wants to be shallow: Compact Nonlinear Maps and Circulant Extensions
- High-resolution and broadband all-fiber spectrometers
- Learning Co-Sparse Analysis Operators with Separable Structures
- VLSI Design of a Monolithic Compressive-Sensing Wideband Analog-to-Information Converter (and other FPGA implementations)
- Phase Transitions in Sparse PCA
- Sparse Coding: 20 years later
- Adaptive-Rate Sparse Signal Reconstruction With Application in Compressive Background Subtraction
- Various Announcements
Around the blogs
- Slides: Stanford's CS231n: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition
- Slides: Learning Sparse Representations for Signal Processing @IISc
- Saturday Morning Videos: Nando de Freitas' Machine Learning course (Lecture 7 to 12) and slides
- Saturday Morning Videos: February Fourier Talks 2015 Proceedings
- Video (and attendant code): A 3D Map of the Human Genome
- Video: Rambus Lensless Smart Sensor Demo at MWC 2015
- Saturday Morning Video: The Automatic Statistician, Certifying and removing Disparate Impact, Machine Learning et Entreprise
- Saturday Morning Videos: Nando de Freitas' Machine Learning course (Lecture 7 to 12) and slides
Courtesy of NASA/SDO and the AIA, EVE, and HMI science teams.
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