Thursday, October 02, 2014

Nuit Blanche in Review ( September 2014 )

Since the last Nuit Blanche in Review ( August 2014 ), we've seen quite a few implementation out but also we also attained a new milestone ( The Long Distance Blogger  ). We also had a some meetings and meetups, and in the course of these proceedings, we sometimes lose sight of what is happening. I tried to clinch that magic back in Unfiltered Access. Anyway, without further ado, here is a summary of this past month activity on Nuit Blanche


In-depth looks:
Books and Theses:


Sunday Morning Insight:


Machine Learning Meetups and CS meetings:
Credit Photo: ISRO, Indian Space Research Organization, MOM/PSLV-C25 Orbiter, Regional dust storm activities over Northern Hemisphere of Mars - captured by Mars Color Camera on-board Mars Orbiter Spacecraft from altitude of 74500 km on Sep 28, 2014

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