Yohann Tendero let me know of this IPAM workshop entitled Computational Photography and Intelligent Cameras that is set to take place in LA on February 4 - 6, 2015. I wonder if we are going to see some Data Drive Sensor Design/ Zero Knowledge Sensor Design. Anyway, you can also apply for financial assitance to attend the workshop. From the page:
Oliver Cossairt (Northwestern University)Stanley Osher (University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA))
Until recently, digital photography has mostly just replaced the traditional film with a silicon sensor, without substantial changes to the interface or the capabilities of a still camera. However, as the computational power of cameras, cell phones, and other mobile or embedded systems has increased, computation can now be coupled much more tightly with the act of photography. Computational photography is a new area of computer graphics and vision, seeking to create new types of photographs and to allow photographers to acquire better images or images they never could observe before. This involves research into new software algorithms for fusing data from multiple images, video streams, or other types sensors as well as into new hardware architectures for capturing the data needed for the software and numerical processing. Applications of computational photography paradigms include compressed sensing cameras, extended depth of field/refocussing, high dynamic range images, invertible motion blurs, and plenoptic cameras, and mathematics is an important tool for inventing and optimizing these new cameras. This workshop will serve as a gathering place for all those interested in theories, algorithms, methodologies, hardware designs, and experimental studies in computational photography.This workshop will include a poster session; a request for posters will be sent to registered participants in advance of the workshop.
Amit Agrawal (Amazon Lab126)Richard Baraniuk (Rice University)David Brady (Duke University)Robert Calderbank (Duke University)Lawrence Carin (Duke University)Ayan Chakrabarti (Harvard University)Oliver Cossairt (Northwestern University)Kristin Dana (Rutgers University)Paolo Favaro (Universität Bern)Carlos Fernandez-Granda (Stanford University)Mohit Gupta (Columbia University)Wolfgang Heidrich (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST))Kevin Kelly (Rice University)Pascal Monasse (École Nationale des Ponts-et-Chaussées (ENPC))Kari Pulli (Stanford University)Ramesh Raskar (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)Neus Sabater (Technicolor)Guillermo Sapiro (Duke University)Sabine Susstrunk (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL))Yohann Tendero (University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA))Pauline Trouvé (Onera)Jack Tumblin (Northwestern University)Ashok Veeraraghavan (Rice University)
An application/registration form is available at:
The application form is for those requesting financial support to attend the workshop. We urge you to apply as early as possible. Applications received by Wednesday, December 10, 2014 will receive fullest consideration. Letters of reference may be sent to the address or email address below. Successful applicants will be notified as soon as funding decisions are made. If you do not need or want to apply for funding, you may simply register. IPAM will close registration if we reach capacity; for this reason, we encourage you to register early.We have funding especially to support the attendance of recent PhD's, graduate students, and researchers in the early stages of their career; however, mathematicians and scientists at all levels who are interested in this area are encouraged to apply for funding. Encouraging the careers of women and minority mathematicians and scientists is an important component of IPAM's mission and we welcome their applications.
Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM)Attn: CP2015460 Portola PlazaLos Angeles CA 90095-7121Phone: 310 825-4755Fax: 310 825-4756Email:
Thanks Yohann !
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