First-Photon Imaging by Ahmed Kirmani, Dheera Venkatraman , Dongeek Shin, Andrea Colaço, Franco N. C. Wong, Jeffrey H. Shapiro, Vivek K Goyal
Imagers that use their own illumination can capture 3D structure and reflectivity information. With photon-counting detectors, images can be acquired at extremely low photon fluxes. To suppress the Poisson noise inherent in low-flux operation, such imagers typically require hundreds of detected photons per pixel for accurate range and reflectivity determination. We introduce a low-flux imaging technique, called first-photon imaging, which is a computational imager that exploits spatial correlations found in real-world scenes and the physics of low-flux measurements. Our technique recovers 3D structure and reflectivity from the first detected photon at each pixel. We demonstrate simultaneous acquisition of sub-pulse duration range and 4-bit reflectivity information in the presence of high background noise. First-photon imaging may be of considerable value to both microscopy and remote sensing.The code + data is here. There is also the First-Photon Imaging project page. One should note that some of the authors now work for 3dimtech a company they just started:
and one startup we will follow (if they have an RSS that is). Let us note that this effort is typically an instantiation of a low-bit concept and it would fit well with the QIS architecture of Eric Fossum.
High Photon Efficiency Computational Range Imagingusing Spatio-Temporal Statistical Regularization by Ahmed Kirmani, Dheera Venkatraman, Andrea Colaco, Franco N. C. Wong, Vivek K Goyal
We demonstrate 1 photon-per-pixel photon efficiency and sub-pulse-widthrange resolution in megapixel laser range imaging by using a joint spatio-temporal statisticalprocessing framework and by exploiting transform-domain sparsity.
Exploiting sparsity in time-of-flight range acquisition using a single time-resolved sensor by Kirmani, Ahmed; Colaço, Andrea; Wong, Franco N. C.; Goyal, Vivek K.
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