Here some blog entries on notes and more. Enjoy!
- Tibshirani announces new research result: A significance test for the lasso (check the comments)
- Misunderstanding the p-value
- Double Misunderstandings About p-values
- The Gap (check the comments)
Laurent tells me that there are more than 20 CS papers at ICASSP, Check the listing here.
- New Conference on OSNs
Laurent tells me that there are more than 20 CS papers at ICASSP, Check the listing here.
Kiryung Lee let me know of the location of his codes (as they have been displaced). I'll update those in the Matrix factorization Jungle.
Hi Igor,Sorry about the inconvenience with the broken link. The file sharing service of our university expired last year. Temporarily, let me share the Matlab implementations via the dropbox.SA-MUSICADMiRA...Thanks Kiryung !
Since the last Around the blogs in 78 hours, Nuit Blanche had quite few entries as well:
- From compression to compressed sensing
- Sunday Morning Insight: How to spot a compressive sensing system: the case of the Randomized MALDI TOF MS/MS system
- Magnetic resonance fingerprinting
- Compressive Sensing for Spread Spectrum Receivers, Spectral Compressive Sensing with Polar Interpolation - implementations
- Of Well Logging and Nanopore Sequencing
- Nuit Blanche Reader's Reviews: SPASH, R-Functions, Structure in Biology, Randomized Kaczmarz and SDD, AMP and GAMP
- MFJobs: Detecting genomic regions under Darwinian selection via sparse outlier detection techniques: a variational Bayes approach
- A User's Guide to Compressed Sensing for Communications Systems
- GOAL: Analysis Operator Learning and Its Application to Image Reconstruction - implementation -
- SPASH: Sparse Shape Reconstruction - implementation -
- Slides of the Workshop on Sparse Fourier Transform Etc.
- Sunday Morning Insight: Matrix Factorizations and the Grammar of Life
- Nuit Blanche in Review (February 2013 edition)
- Finding the Visible in the Invisible
- General Matching Pursuit (GMP): Is Matching Pursuit Solving Convex Problems? - implementation -
- Rambus
- Reviews and abstracts of FFT2013, CAP10, ISSC2013, BASP2013, ITA2013
- Robust Near-Separable Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Using Linear Optimization - implementation -
- 6 PostDocs at Edinburgh
- The Stanford 256x256 CMOS Image Sensor with ΔΣ-Based Single-Shot Compressed Sensing
- Efficient High-Dimensional Entanglement Imaging with a Compressive-Sensing Double-Pixel Camera
- Coded aperture compressive temporal imaging
- Robust Classification using Structured Sparse Representation -implementation -
- Nuit Blanche Reader's Reviews
- Sunday Morning Insight: Phase Transitions and Eigen-gaps as Roadmaps.
- Reddit, Google+, LinkedIn as Peer Review Systems
- See All by Looking at A Few: Sparse Modeling for Finding Representative Objects - implementation -
- nimfa - A Python Library for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Techniques - implementation
- Tensorlab and Complex Optimization Toolbox
- A projector-splitting integrator for dynamical low-rank approximation
- A New Discovery Engine
- Sparse Manifold Clustering and Embedding - implementation -
- Compressive Principal Component Pursuit
- Adaptive Outlier Pursuit: Robust 1-bit Compressive Sensing and Matrix Completion - implementation -
- Sparse Subspace Clustering: Algorithm, Theory, and Applications - implementation -
- The Fast Cauchy Transform and Faster Robust Linear Regression
- GRASTACam OPEN CV and Q-TT Toolbox in Python -implementation -
- Robust Locally Linear Analysis with Applications to Image Denoising and Blind Inpainting -implementation -
N00204038.jpg was taken on March 14, 2013 and received on Earth March 15, 2013. The camera was pointing toward TITAN at approximately 1,617,297 miles (2,602,787 kilometers) away, and the image was taken using the CL1 and UV3 filters. This image has not been validated or calibrated. A validated/calibrated image will be archived with the NASA Planetary Data System in 2014.
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