It all started with Dustin Mixon's entry on Achieving the Welch Bound With Difference Sets, that in turn started a small discussion over the paper by Meyer and Basarab, Dustin now provides some thoughtful comments on that paper starting with:.
Igor views these papers as “UFOs” in the literature because they are so different from conventional compressed sensing in so many ways. In this blog entry, I will present Meyer’s results (and proofs) in the analogous context of finite-dimensional harmonic frames, and I’ll make some connections with more familiar approaches.
It's here.
Dirk just updated his blog with a very nice summary of the some of the findings featured in some of the papers we saw on arxiv recently: Problems solved: RIP and NSP are NP-hard, Homotopy for l1 has exponential complexity
Masaaki has two entries on
Compressed sensing meets control systems and Recent papers on compressed sensing for control systems.
On Nuit Blanche this past week, several interesting papers were featured in Compressive Sensing and Advanced Matrix Factorization. There were also papers and talks from the CoSeRa 2012 (the meeting on radar and compresive sensing) as it was happening and some of the upcoming papers from ICML 2012 . We specifically saw a new hardware architecture (CapMux), and a new implementation of the Nonnegative Matrix Factorization. In line with the synthetic biology theme, I provided a view of the different approaches currently undertaken in Reverse Engineering Biochemical Networks and Compressive Sensing. Since it is a new field, I pointed how one can dwell into new fields without having to start from scratch in On Domain Knowledge Jumps. Finally, a blog entry pointed out a connection between Count-Min Sketch and Particle Filters and a good conversation on 2-d images and compressed sensing on the LinkedIn compressive sensing group. In other news, the Falcon 9 / Dragon Launch was aborted just seconds before lift-off. My take on rocket engine start-ups (I used to know about that stuff) is here: The "Don't even think about it, kid" Lever.
Image Credit: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute & Mark4799
N00188986.jpg was taken on May 17, 2012 and received on Earth May 18, 2012. The camera was pointing toward TITAN at approximately 1,610,016 miles (2,591,069 kilometers) away, and the image was taken using the CL1 and UV3 filters.
The eclipse as seen through leaves in Northern California last night.
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