Danny Bickson let me know that the GraphLab workshop regsitration process is now up and running at::
The workshop will be held on July 9th in San Francisco.
The GraphLab workshop on large scale machine learning is a meeting place for both academia and industry to discuss upcoming challenges of large scale machine learning and solution methods. GraphLab is Carnegie Mellon’s large scale machine learning framework. The workshop will include demos and tutorials showcasing the next generation of the GraphLab framework, as well as lectures and demos from the top technology companies about their applied large scale machine learning solutions.
Previous entries on GraphLab include: GraphLab workshop, Why should you care ? and A small Q&A with Danny Bickson on GraphLab. The list of companies represented are here.
Right after that, there is MMDS 2012, the Workshop on Algorithms for Modern Massive Data Sets at Stanford University on July 10–13, 2012
Thanks Danny !
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