Happy New Year for those of you already in 2014!
What a year! Nuit Blanche Monthly Reviews produced this past year can be found in the next 12 entries under the NuitBlancheReview tag.
Those entries enable me to update every month or two the list of available implementations that have been made available by their authors. Hence, the following reference pages will be updated shortly:
- The Matrix Factorization Jungle Google+49
- Compressive Sensing: The Big Picture Google+8
Before we embark on the listing of this month's entries, here are some entries that for one reason or another stuck with me:
- The rise of the phase transition as an item beyond academic interest. (see Sunday Morning Insight: The Map Makers)
- Compressed Sensing in Imaging Mass Spectrometry, what is happening here is new.
- A Favor to Ask.
- Many Sunday Morning Insight entries such as A Quick Panorama of Sensing from Direct Imaging to Machine Learning, Faster Than a Blink of an Eye, How to spot a compressive sensing system: the case of the Randomized MALDI TOF MS/MS system, Matrix Factorizations and the Grammar of Life
- Reproducible research is part this community's DNA
- The Paris Machine Learning Meetup group creation that has an increasing audience and fascinating speakers. Next meeting is January 15th next year.
- Videos of several meetings
- The Summer of the Deeper Kernels
- Forget Google Reader, welcome the walled gardens of Reddit, Google and Linkedin (Google+ Community (736), the CompressiveSensing subreddit (206), the LinkedIn Compressive Sensing group (2686) or the Advanced Matrix Factorization (810))
- The rise of Manifold optimizations (Manopt, qGeomMC )
- The rise of co-sparsity and analysis operators
- The rise of blind and not so blind calibration framework.
- PSIM: France's Innovation 2030 Program
- and the ever interesting Where are we now ? written in January 18th, 2013
Here is what we had this past month:
- Compressed sensing and Approximate Message Passing with spatially-coupled Fourier and Hadamard matrices
- Optimization for Compressed Sensing: the Simplex Method and Kronecker Sparsification
- XNV: Correlated random features for fast semi-supervised learning
- Super-resolution via transform-invariant group-sparse regularization
- Robust Compressed Sensing and Sparse Coding with the Difference Map
- BILGO: Bilateral Greedy Optimization for Large Scale Semidefinite Programing
- LRO: Low-Rank Quadratic Semidefinite Programming
- HoRPCA : Robust Low-Rank Tensor Recovery: Models and Algorithms
- PC-SBL: Pattern-Coupled Sparse Bayesian Learning for Recovery of Block-Sparse Signals
- First-Photon Imaging
Focused entries:
- Toeplitz Matrices and Compressive Sensing
- Saturday Morning Video: Riemannian Mean of Positive Definite Matrices
- Provable Algorithms for Machine Learning Problems
- Non-convex compressive sensing for X-ray CT: an algorithm comparison
- k-Sparse Autoencoders
- Instance Optimality Property Extended: Fundamental performance limits for ideal decoders in high-dimensional linear inverse problems
- Tutorial video on signal reconstruction with additive error metrics.
- The curious case of the GTZAN dataset
- Sample Complexity of Dictionary Learning and other Matrix Factorizations
- LORAKS : Low-Rank Modeling of Local k-Space Neighborhoods (LORAKS) for Constrained MRI
- Do Deep Nets Really Need to be Deep?
- Saturday Morning Videos: Unifying Theory and Experiment for Large-Scale Networks
- How come we don't see this ? Part Deux
Sunday Morning Insights
- #NIPS2013 papers, workshops ...
- #NIPS2013 sweet aftertastes
- Paris Machine Learning Meetup #6 Summary
- Paris Machine Learning Meetup #6: Playing with Kaggle/ Botnet detection with Neural Networks
- Video (in French): Machine Learning Meetup #6: Jouer avec Kaggle / Detection de Botnets
- Matheon Workshop 2013 on Compressed Sensing and its Applications
- Detailed Summary of the Presentations at the Matheon Workshop 2013 on Compressed Sensing and its Applications by Dustin Mixon
Other videos
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