Dear friends and colleagues,
I would like to invite applications for postdoctoral positions in my group in Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris, in the context of the project SPARCS (Statistical Physics Approach to Reconstruction in Compressed Sensing) The appointments are intended to start in the fall of 2016 and will be for 1+1 years.
The candidates can come from different areas (Statistical Physics, Signal Processing, Applied Mathematics, Information Theory, Statistical Inference and Machine learning).
For more information, please visit the post-doc announcement page:
Do not hesitate to spread the information around you. I apologize if you receive this mail more than once.
Best regards,
Florent Krzakala
From the page:
Postdoctoral positions in Krzakala's group in Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris:
Statistical Inference, Compressed Sensing, Information Theory, Machine learning and Statistical Physics
I would like to invite applications for postdoctoral positions funded by the European Research Council Starting Grant program, in the context of the project SPARCS (Statistical Physics Approach to Reconstruction in Compressed Sensing) in my group in Ecole Normale in Paris. The appointments are intended to start in the fall of 2016 and will be for 1+1 years.
The SPARCS project is building a research group in the very center of Paris in Ecole Normale, concentrated on inverse problems, information theory, graphical models, compressed sensing and statistical physics (but also open to other issues in inference, clustering, community detection, machine learning, neural networks and all aspects of the statistical physics of disordered and complex systems). A strong visitor program and a series of small workshops are also organized and several graduate students have already joined the group. The project is developed in collaboration with Marc Mezard (Ecole Normale Superieure), Lenka Zdeborova (CEA Saclay) and many groups in the Parisian region.
This project places an emphasis on interdisciplinarity, and aims to achieve progress by bringing together postdocs with different scientific backgrounds. More specifically, the candidates can come from different areas (signal processing, applied mathematics, statistical physics, information theory, inference, machine learning and neural networks) and are expected to bring their expertise. Successful candidates will thus conduct a vigorous research program within the scope of the project, and are expected to show independence and team working attitude at the same time. Click here to see recent works from the SPARCS team or click here to see the group webpage.
The SPARCS members also keep close contacts with other researchers of the Ecole Normale Superieure, of the University Paris-Sud and of the CEA Saclay, all of them based closed by. The ENS is conveniently located in the very center of Paris. The positions are endowed with travel and computing resources.
Keywords: Machine Learning, Signal processing, information theory, graphical models, Bayesian inference, compressed sensing, error correcting codes, spatial coupling, Belief Propagation, Message Passing, Tomography. Statistical physics - glasses, spin glasses, random optimization problems, cavity method, replica method - c, c++, matlab, julia, python.
Deadline for applying: 31st December 2015.
To apply, and for further information: The candidates should send their detailed cv (including list of publication, presentations, citations etc.), and 1 page letter of motivation explaining why they want to work on this subject, what is their related experience, and present a short project. Preselected candidates should be ready to provide two letters of recommendation at a later stage, and are expected to be available to come to Paris for an interview.
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