This is wonderful news. One of the things I wonder is if this new approach will do better than some greedy algorithms: A Faster Cutting Plane Method and its Implications for Combinatorial and Convex Optimization by Yin Tat Lee, Aaron Sidford, Sam Chiu-wai Wong
We improve upon the running time for finding a point in a convex set given a separation oracle. In particular, given a separation oracle for a convex setK⊂Rn contained in a box of radiusR , we show how to either find a point inK or prove thatK does not contain a ball of radiusϵ using an expectedO(nlog(nR/ϵ)) oracle evaluations and additional timeO(n3logO(1)(nR/ϵ)) . This matches the oracle complexity and improves upon theO(nω+1log(nR/ϵ)) additional time of the previous fastest algorithm achieved over 25 years ago by Vaidya for the current matrix multiplication constantω<2.373 whenR/ϵ=nO(1) .
Using a mix of standard reductions and new techniques, our algorithm yields improved runtimes for solving classic problems in continuous and combinatorial optimization:
- Submodular Minimization: Our weakly and strongly polynomial time algorithms have runtimes of
O(n2lognM⋅EO+n3logO(1)nM) andO(n3log2n⋅EO+n4logO(1)n) , improving upon the previous best ofO((n4EO+n5)logM) andO(n5EO+n6) .- Matroid Intersection: Our runtimes are
O((nrlog2nTrank+n3logO(1)n)lognM) andO((n2lognTind+n3logO(1)n)lognM) , achieving the first quadratic bound on the query complexity for the independence and rank oracles. In the unweighted case, this is the first improvement since 1986 for independence oracle.- Submodular Flow: Our runtime is
O(n2lognCU⋅EO+n3logO(1)nCU) , improving upon the previous bests from 15 years ago roughly by a factor ofO(n4) .- Semidefinite Programming: Our runtime is
O~(n(n2+mω+S)) , improving upon the previous best ofO~(n(nω+mω+S)) for the regime where the number of nonzerosS is small.
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