Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Long Distance Blogger

In May, Nuit Blanche reached 1 million visits and its 3,000th post, then it was 3 million page views in June and now we just passed our 2,000th post on Compressive Sensing in September. All this, ten years after the first set of communications on the subject.

You want to show your appreciation ? Don't hesitate to provide a recommendation on LinkedIn under my profile like the few of you who already have.

Also don't hesitate to join/comment on the Google+ Community (1086), the CompressiveSensing subreddit (465), the LinkedIn Compressive Sensing group (3039) or the Advanced Matrix Factorization Group (951) 

Credit: ESA, #Rosetta comet #67P Image: ESA/Rosetta/Philae/CIVA
Join the CompressiveSensing subreddit or the Google+ Community and post there !
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