Here are the most recent discussions on the various groups linked to Nuit Blanche. I note several things. First, quite a few students are looking for projects or ideas to work on. This is interesting on many levels. Second, the LinkedIn groups take off in terms of discussion at around 500 members, for the Reddit subgroups, the amount of discussion is sparser yet picks up earlier than LinkedIn. If I were at LinkedIn, I'd take note of this. Google+ has quite a few members, as much as one of the LinkedIn group but, probably by design, does not quite pick up on terms of discussions. If I were at Google, I'd be very concerned about this.
Qualitatively speaking, I am surprised by how some students use the LinkedIn group. I usually have to do some cleanup there while, at the same time, I don't have to do the same on both Google+ and Reddit, this is surprising to me as LinkedIn is pretty much tied to one's name, and probably one's professional reputation, while one can simply be anonymous on Reddit and Google+. Then again it may be due to the lower number of people on Google+ or Reddit. Overall I'd rate high the quality and quantity of the interaction in both the LinkedIn and the Reddit discussions. The good folks at Google need to take notice.
I have no data on Facebook but when I look at the logs of the blog, I often see people sharing some items of the blog on that platform.
I have no data on Facebook but when I look at the logs of the blog, I often see people sharing some items of the blog on that platform.
On the LinkedIn Compressive Sensing group (2554)
- Robust jointly sparse elastic regression with matrix uncertainty
- Knowledge expanded from CS to deep learning
- 8 semester project
- What is the earliest occurrence of a phase transition in the literature ?
- Is there some work on CS for enhanced recovery of Region of Interest (ROI) in imaging?
- dictionary for cosparse representation?
- 3D examples for Wavelets, Noiselets, and Fourier
- Is there any information about the design of measurement matrix about the specified object ?
- Does anyone use K-SVD? Attached is a Python/C++ implementation that I use.
- Is real and imaginay part in noiselets matrix are binary ?
- What are the best recovery algorithms for signals with finite rate of innovation ? (Specifically for shift-invariant spaces.)
- Is there a sparse coder that solves the non-linear equation min_x { lambda * ||x||_0 + 0.5 * || Y - F(Ax) ||^2_2}?
- a problem for Dantzig selector with different noise level
- Is there a 'constant Q transform' for stereo channels, where I found it for one channel only,
- Compressed Sensing and Sparsity in Quantum physics , a layman's question
- Multi-Structural Signal Recovery for Biomedical Compressive Sensing
- NMF applied to mussic pattern analysis: Perceptual basis of evolving Western musical styles
- A PhD position in machine learning and matrix factorization for analyzing large-scale genomic data
- A Question for SVD (parallel) processing
- a new research idea.. (mutual info. max version of SVD)
- A doubt in paper about Nonnegative Matrix Factorization-Factoring nonnegative matrices with linear programs
On the CompressiveSensing subreddit (156)
Join the CompressiveSensing subreddit or the Google+ Community and post there !
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On Google+ Community (670)
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