Friday, May 03, 2013

Reader's Reviews: Fabio, Quantum Imaging, Dick Hamming's Notes and Around the webs in 78 hours

As some of you have heard, Google will stop Google Reader on July 1st. Google reader replacements can be found here. In the meantime, you can do like Andrew and feature your blogroll or like I do, feature the best relevant entries you found on the web. 

You probably recall this and this entry on the use of the Fabio image as a replacement for Lena in an image processing paper (and some theoretical guarantees for TV). Well after being featured on Wikipedia in Lena's entry, Nuit Blanche is now being featured in press releases, such as this one: Every Picture Tells A Story. From the story:

The agent called them back the next day. “I spoke to Fabio,” the agent exclaimed, “and he’s thrilled. He’s excited to be a part of this.”
At long last, a willing participant to eternity. I had heard Fabio was smart. This confirms it.

Last Friday, I pointed to the slew of videos by Dick Hamming in It's Friday, It's Hamming's Time: Learning to Learn by Richard Hamming, "You Get What You Measure" / "Error-Correcting Codes". One reader kindly pointed to the notes that Dick was reading from:

Ross B. said...
If you watched these videos and wondered what the notes in Hamming's big folder look like, I believe that they are all scanned here:
There is also a book "Art of Doing Science and Engineering: Learning to Learn"Thursday, May 2, 2013 at 5:49:00 AM CDT
Thanks Ross !

In Toward real-time quantum imaging with a single pixel camera I expressed the concern that I might not underrstand everything about quantum imaging and in particular why they were able to go below shot noise. Curt commented that:

Curt said...
It is a quantum optics trick:
"The standard quantum limit for the noise of some optical measurement scheme usually refers to the minimum level of quantum noise which can be obtained without the use of squeezed states of light."
But then Raphael Pooser the author of the paper added:
Hi Igor,
I did not notice that you had blogged about this until now. I'm the PI on this project (Raphael Pooser). Curt is basically right - though I might call it more than a trick ;)
As he said we used quantum noise reduction to get below the Poisson noise. The thing about quantum noise reduction is, you have to use some kind of quantum effect to obtain it. In this case it's the nonlinear interaction that occurs in the vapor cell. Using those techniques you can do quantum imaging as you can see in some of the references in the OE paper and in the OE paper itself. So, what we think is cool about this work is the potential combination of quantum imaging and compressive imaging. Please let me know if you have any questions (you have my contact info from my site or via ORNL)! (sorry if this is a double post)
Thanks Rapheel, I think I have a better picture. To be continued.

Since the last around the webs we have had quite a few interesting and very high quality blog entries out there, here is a sample in no particular order:



  • Lighthearted Symmetry
  • Blickets and Streams
  • New Conference on OSNs
  • DIMACS/Stanford/Technicolor workshop on Economics of Info


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