Cedric Herzet just sent me the following:
Dear Igor,
I'm organizing with a few other researchers (Remi Gribonval, Aline Roumy and Frederic Bimbot) from the IRISA research center (Rennes, France), a two-day workshop dedicated to parsimony and learning.Different speakers active in the field will be invited to give tutorial talks. The program of these 2 days is in attachment.Would it be possible to post the announcement on your blog?
Thank you in advance for your help,
Cedric Herzet
Two day workshop on Sparse Models and Machine Learning15‐16 Octobre 2012IRISA, Campus de Beaulieu, Rennes, France
Sparse representations and models have become a central concept in the field of signal processing and data modeling and are gradually building bridges with the area of machine learning. In parallel, these concepts are becoming operative in a number of applicative fields, such as brain imaging, distributed communications, multimedia, etc...This two‐day workshop is intended to offer an overview of the current status of this stimulating field and to discuss very exciting focal points, where sparse representations, machine learning and applications are converging to new fundamental and practical paradigms.The two days are articulated around 4 tutorial talks, 3 applicative focus and 2 open discussions (see complete programme below) presented by colleagues currently at the forefront of the field. The workshop is opened to academy and industry specialists, but also to PhD students, post‐doc and colleagues from neighboring domains, who want to deepen their understanding of the field and its current theoretical and practical challenges.The registration is free but mandatory. Please, contact stephanie.lemaile@irisa.fr and frederic.bimbot@ irisa.fr
Mon 15 Oct
- 10h30 Welcome and introduction Frederic Bimbot
- 10h45-12h15 Tutorial 1 Remi Gribonval, Inverse problems and sparse models (1/2)
- 12h15-14h00 Lunch
- 14h00-15h30 Tutorial 2 Francis Bach, Structured sparsity and convex optimization (1/2)
- 15h30-15h45 Coffee Break
- 15h45-16h45 Applications (warm up) Pierre Vandergheynst, Emerging applications of sparse representations
- 16h45-17h30 Open discussion 1 Lead by P. Vandergheynst What can be expected from sparse models in
Tue 16 Oct
- addressing new applicative problems
- 9h00-10h30 Tutorial 3 Remi Gribonval Inverse problems and sparse models (2/2)
- 10h30-10h45 Coffee break
- 10h45-11h45 Applicative focus 1 Enrico Magli, Compressed sensing for distributed communications
- 11h45-12h45 Applicative focus 2 Alexandre Gramfort, Sparse methods for brain imaging
- 12h45-14h00 Lunch
- 14h00-15h30 Tutorial 4 Francis Bach , Structured sparsity and convex optimization (2/2)
- 15h30-16h15 Open discussion 2 Lead by R. Gribonval & F. Bach Bridging the gap between sparse methods and machine learning
In a somewhat different direction, Adi Shavit pointed me to this entry from Vladimir Koifman's blog on the fact that Aptina Invests into Multi-Array Gigapixel Future. It turns out as Adi showed me that it is none other than the gigapixel array of David Brady's project we featured earlier.in Video: David Brady's "Coding for Multiplex Optical Imagers" lecture. Thanks
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