I am barely catching up on updating the Big Picture in Compressive Sensing and the Advanced Matrix Factorization Jungle page. However, I have tagged all the Nuit Blanche entries that featured the release of an algorithm implementation attached to a paper with the implementation tag. As I have mentioned before, I generally reserve a whole entry for any paper that also features access to an implementation of the algorithm discussed in that paper: all this in the spirit of reproducible research. For the ones not yet listed on the Big Picture in Compressive Sensing or the Advanced Matrix Factorization Jungle page, this omission will be repaired soon. Here is the long list for this past year.
- Implementation: Signal Space CoSaMP Toolbox
- BLENDENPIK: Supercharging LAPACK's Least-Squares Solver
- Rapid Characterization of FPGAs with Matrix Completion
- Spread spectrum magnetic resonance imaging - s2MRI
- On Variable Density Compressive Sampling
- Compressive Source Separation: Theory and Methods for Hyperspectral Imaging
- Re-Weighted l_1 Dynamic Filtering for Time-Varying Sparse Signal Estimation and Sparsity penalties in dynamical system estimation
And so it begins ... Compressive Genomics
- Sensing with Local Geometric Features: Hardware and Implementation
- Improving Noise Robustness in Subspace-based Joint Sparse Recovery
- DORE j'ADORE: Sparse signal reconstruction via ECME hard thresholding
- Direct Optimization of the Dictionary Learning Problem
- Applying alternating direction method of multipliers for constrained dictionary learning
- WSPGL1: Beyond L1 minimization for sparse signal recovery
- Dynamic Compressed Sensing (DCS) via Approximate Message Passing (AMP)
- L1 Homotopy: A MATLAB Toolbox for Homotopy Algorithms in L1 Norm Minimization Problems
- Re-Weighted l_1 Dynamic Filtering for Time-Varying Sparse Signal Estimation
- Optimal Estimation with Arbitrary Error Metrics in Compressed Sensing
- Sparse Bayesian Methods for Low-Rank Matrix Estimation and Bayesian Group-Sparse Modeling and Variational Inference
- Sparse Representation-Based/Exemplar-Based methods for Noise Robust Automatic Speech recognition (ASR)
- PhaseCut: Phase Recovery, MaxCut and Complex Semidefinite Programming
- Poisson noise reduction with non-local PCA
- KL1p : Sparse Recovery of Underdetermined Inverse Problems
- Patch Foveation in Nonlocal Imaging
- VSNR: Variational Stationary Noise Remover
- A hybrid optimization approach for vector quantization
- New Implementations of Mallat's Scattering transform
- FREAK implementation on Github (1-bit Quantized Difference of Gaussians Descriptor)
- Faster Block Sparse Bayesian Learning Implementations
- Bound-Optimization based Block Space Bayesian Learning
- Inpainting Algorithm on GitHub (TV-L2 denoising and inpainting)
- Incremented Rank PowerFactorization algorithm
- Noise Aware Analysis Operator Learning for Approximately Cosparse Signals
- SFFT: An implementation of the MIT Sparse FFT is now available
- ProPPA: A Fast Algorithm for $\ell_1$ Minimization and Low-Rank Matrix Completion
- Iterative Estimation of Constrained Rank-One Matrices in Noise
- Generalizing Compressed Sensing: GraSP implementation available
- High Speed Compressed Sensing Reconstruction in Dynamic Parallel MRI
- Beyond Sparsity: Signal Recovery in Compressed Sensing via Universal Priors
- EM-GM-AMP: An Algorithm for Sparse Reconstruction
- Some Software Packages for Partial SVD Computation
- Matrix ALPS
- Collaborative Filtering via Group-Structured Dictionary Learning
- TV normed pursuits
- Split Bregman
- Sparse Signal Reconstruction from Quantized Noisy Measurements via GEM Hard Thresholding
- MF: Efficient Matrix Completion with Gaussian Models
- AMP on fire! An ASPICS Matlab Implementation and a VSLI/FPGA implementation
- Low-rank matrix completion by Riemannian optimization: Implementation
- GRASTA: Grassmannian Robust Adaptive Subspace Tracking Algorithm Implementation
- Implementation for the Generalization of the Column-Row Matrix Decomposition to Multi-way Arrays
- Implementation of Mirror Prox: ℓ1 Minimization via Randomized First Order Algorithm
- SubMF changes to DCF, something new in ReProCS and Martin Jaggi's thesis and code.
- Compressive MUSIC, Forward/Backward Compressive Subspace Fitting Implementations
- Bilateral Random Projections
- Real-Time Principal Component Pursuit
- Implementation of Mallat's Scattering transform
- Compressive Phase Retrieval Implementation
- Compressed-Sensing Recovery of Images and Video Using Multihypothesis Predictions
- Compressive Sensing Under Matrix Uncertainties and Calibration
- Compressive and Noncompressive Power Spectral Density Estimation Software Package and The Continuous-Time Spectrally-Sparse (CTSS) Sampling Toolbox
- ASPICS: Applying Statistical Physics to Inference in Compressed Sensing
- Robust 1-bit compressive sensing using binary matching pursuit
- Spin Spherical Harmonic Transforms (SSHT v 1.0)
- SA-MUSIC Algorithm Implementation
- SpaRCS: Recovering Low-rank and Sparse matrices from Compressive Measurements
- A* Orthogonal Matching Pursuit papers and code implementation
- Newer Versions: Verifiable and computable performance analysis of sparsity recovery, Subspace Methods for Joint Sparse Recovery
- Sparse Generalized PCA or why you can fuggedabout Sparse PCA
- RTRMC: Exploiting manifolds' smoothness in Low Rank problems
- DECOLOR: A challenger to PCP
- Implementation of rONE-L1
- Welcome to the GoDec algorithm, a new member of the Matrix Factorization Jungle
- Penalty Decomposition Methods for $L0$-Norm Minimization and Rank Minimization
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