Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Post-doctoral position at CEA Saclay in image processing for multispectral data

Jerome Bobin sent me this postdoc offer (please note the restriction on citizenship)

Post-doctoral position at CEA Saclay in image processing for multispectral data
A postdoctoral position will be open at CEA Saclay in the area of signal and image processing to work in the data analysis group of Jean-Luc Starck. This will be a joint position between CEA and SAGEM.
The candidate will work on sparse representations of multivalued (multi/hyper- spectral, etc ...) data for different applications such as (semi)-blind source separation, target detection/identification and compressed sensing. The can- didate will focus on the analysis of real data (provided by Sagem), and the development of methods and tools to tackle the various problems he will encounter.
Candidates should have a PhD in signal/image processing or applied mathematics. Previous experience in sparse representations (wavelets, curve-lets, etc ...) and source separation is preferred but experience in related areas is also suitable.
The position is funded for 18 months. The gross income salary will be 34,000e annually (∼2,260e), and will be adjusted according to experience and family situation. Only applications from citizens of the European Union will be considered.
– Application deadline : 15th of October 2012
– Contact : jbobin@cea.fr, arnaud.woiselle@sagem.com – Laboratory : CEA Saclay
– Duration 18 months
Thanks  Jerome .

The blog is not the only place where you can advertize a job position. I recently addressed this in an announcement earlier to the Compressive Sensing group on LinkedIn: that boast more than 1739 members. Here is the full message:

Hello all,

The group features a good mix of people and some of the discussions are very interesting. As we grow bigger, here are some "unofficial" guidelines

* For those of you needing to share information about your work or somebody else', you might be interested in the following options:
  • Share that knowledge directly here by starting a discussion
  • E-mail me for inclusion on the Nuit Blanche blog (you may want to tell me if you are OK or not OK with the fact that I will share our conversation on the blog - I generally remove the sensitive part of these e-mails). If your information doesn't appear on the blog after fifteen days, then please kindly remind me about it.
  • E-mail me for inclusion on one of the more static pages such as the Big Picture in compressive sensing : https://sites.google.com/site/igorcarron2/cs

* For those of you wanting to learn about compressive sensing, you might be interested in this resource: http://nuit-blanche.blogspot.com/p/teaching-compressed-sensing.html

* For those of you who are looking for somebody to work in an area that needs an understanding of compressive sensing, you might consider:

* For those of you asking questions in the discussion section of the LinkedIn group, please consider answering questions for clarification from other readers. Everybody is busy, you are hurting only your standing in the community when you are not interested in providing additional information such as context, etc. In this new field, seemingly dumb questions are in fact not so dumb but there's got to be some reasoning as to why that question was asked. From experience, one liner questions always result for more clarification, you might want to avoid that step by including some context to your question.

* I scan the profile of everybody coming to the group in order to avoid the spam and other annoying characters (yes they exist even on LinkedIn). When you do register for the group I might decline your request based on the simple fact that the only LinkedIn profile information is void of additional information besides your name (and then sometimes this is not even the case). If you feel that I declined your request based on incomplete information, please by all means send me e-mail and re-apply to the group.

* This is a pretty unique place on the interwebs. Enjoy!



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