Dear Igor,
We have recently proposed a general automated word puzzle generation method via topic dictionaries. Group-structured dictionaries show exciting potentials in this field. I suppose that the blog readers may be interested in these results. Could you post it to the blog?
Sure Zoltan ! and here is the attendant paper: Automated Word Puzzle Generation via Topic Dictionaries by Balazs Pinter, Gyula Voros, Zoltan Szabo, Andras Lorincz. The abstract reads:
We propose a general method for automated word puzzle generation.Contrary to previous approaches in this novel field, the presented method does not rely on highly structured datasets obtained with serious human annotation effort: it only needs an unstructured and unannotated corpus (i.e., document collection) as input. The method builds upon two additional pillars: (i) a topic model, which induces a topic dictionary from the input corpus (examples include e.g., latent semantic analysis, group-structured dictionaries or latent Dirichlet allocation), and (ii) a semantic similarity measure of word pairs. Our method can (i) generate automatically a large number of proper word puzzles of different types, including the odd one out, choose therelated word and separate the topics puzzle. (ii) It can easily create domain-specific puzzles by replacing the corpus component. (iii) It is also capable of automatically generating puzzles with parameterizable levels of difficulty suitable for, e.g., beginners or intermediate learners.
The code (group-structured dictionaries): is available on
Zoltan 's site (.rar, zip,.tar). The paper has been accepted at the ICML-2012 -- Sparsity, Dictionaries and Projections in Machine Learning and Signal Processing Workshop.
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