As Sebastien pointed out the COLT 2016 videos are out. Here is another one: Nadav Cohen on On the Expressive Power of Deep Learning: A Tensor Analysis
The preprint on which it relies is:
On the Expressive Power of Deep Learning: A Tensor Analysis by Nadav Cohen, Or Sharir, Amnon Shashua
It has long been conjectured that hypotheses spaces suitable for data that is compositional in nature, such as text or images, may be more efficiently represented with deep hierarchical networks than with shallow ones. Despite the vast empirical evidence supporting this belief, theoretical justifications to date are limited. In particular, they do not account for the locality, sharing and pooling constructs of convolutional networks, the most successful deep learning architecture to date. In this work we derive a deep network architecture based on arithmetic circuits that inherently employs locality, sharing and pooling. An equivalence between the networks and hierarchical tensor factorizations is established. We show that a shallow network corresponds to CP (rank-1) decomposition, whereas a deep network corresponds to Hierarchical Tucker decomposition. Using tools from measure theory and matrix algebra, we prove that besides a negligible set, all functions that can be implemented by a deep network of polynomial size, require exponential size in order to be realized (or even approximated) by a shallow network. Since log-space computation transforms our networks into SimNets, the result applies directly to a deep learning architecture demonstrating promising empirical performance. The construction and theory developed in this paper shed new light on various practices and ideas employed by the deep learning community.
other recent work by Nadav include:
Convolutional Rectifier Networks as Generalized Tensor Decompositions by Nadav Cohen, Amnon Shashua
Convolutional rectifier networks, i.e. convolutional neural networks with rectified linear activation and max or average pooling, are the cornerstone of modern deep learning. However, despite their wide use and success, our theoretical understanding of the expressive properties that drive these networks is partial at best. On the other hand, we have a much firmer grasp of these issues in the world of arithmetic circuits. Specifically, it is known that convolutional arithmetic circuits possess the property of "complete depth efficiency", meaning that besides a negligible set, all functions that can be implemented by a deep network of polynomial size, require exponential size in order to be implemented (or even approximated) by a shallow network. In this paper we describe a construction based on generalized tensor decompositions, that transforms convolutional arithmetic circuits into convolutional rectifier networks. We then use mathematical tools available from the world of arithmetic circuits to prove new results. First, we show that convolutional rectifier networks are universal with max pooling but not with average pooling. Second, and more importantly, we show that depth efficiency is weaker with convolutional rectifier networks than it is with convolutional arithmetic circuits. This leads us to believe that developing effective methods for training convolutional arithmetic circuits, thereby fulfilling their expressive potential, may give rise to a deep learning architecture that is provably superior to convolutional rectifier networks but has so far been overlooked by practitioners.
Our formal understanding of the inductive bias that drives the success of convolutional networks on computer vision tasks is limited. In particular, it is unclear what makes hypotheses spaces born from convolution and pooling operations so suitable for natural images. In this paper we study the ability of convolutional arithmetic circuits to model correlations among regions of their input. Correlations are formalized through the notion of separation rank, which for a given input partition, measures how far a function is from being separable. We show that a polynomially sized deep network supports exponentially high separation ranks for certain input partitions, while being limited to polynomial separation ranks for others. The network's pooling geometry effectively determines which input partitions are favored, thus serves as a means for controlling the inductive bias. Contiguous pooling windows as commonly employed in practice favor interleaved partitions over coarse ones, orienting the inductive bias towards the statistics of natural images. In addition to analyzing deep networks, we show that shallow ones support only linear separation ranks, and by this gain insight into the benefit of functions brought forth by depth - they are able to efficiently model strong correlation under favored partitions of the input.
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