Mike sent me the following the other day, and I am just catching up:
I am currently recruiting two postdoctoral researchers to work on my ERC advanced grant "C-SENSE: Exploiting low dimensional signal models for sensing, computation and processing". I am particularly looking for excellent candidates with a strong mathematical background and expertise in one or more of the following areas: compressed sensing theory, sparsity, sketching, randomized algorithms and algorithm complexity. The positions will be in Edinburgh and can start any time from September 2017.
Many thanks
Mike Davies
Professor of Signal and Image Processing
Head of Institute for Digital Communications (IDCOM) &
Director of Joint Research Institute for Signal and Image Processing
School of Engineering,
University of Edinburgh,
The King's buildings, Edinburgh, EH9 3JL
Director of the University Defence Research Collaboration (UDRC)
email: mike.davies@ed.ac.uk
web: http://www.research.ed.ac.uk/portal/mdavies4
The advert is here.
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