Vladislav Voroninski just sent me the following:
Hi Igor,Thanks Vlad ! here is the paper:
I'm writing to report on a new algorithm for location recovery from corrupted relative direction observations, a necessary subtask of the Structure from Motion pipeline in computer vision (recovering 3D structure from a collection of images). This is joint work with Paul Hand and Choongbum Lee.
We provide theoretical guarantees of exact location recovery from corrupted observations (the first such result in the literature), and provide empirical evidence of the effectiveness of this algorithm and its stability to noise.
The paper just became available on Arxiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/1506.01437
ShapeFit: Exact location recovery from corrupted pairwise directions by Paul Hand, Choongbum Lee, Vladislav Voroninski
Lett1,…,tn∈Rd and consider the location recovery problem: given a subset of pairwise direction observations{(ti−tj)/∥ti−tj∥2}i<j∈[n]×[n] , where a constant fraction of these observations are arbitrarily corrupted, find{ti}ni=1 up to a global translation and scale. We propose a novel algorithm for the location recovery problem, which consists of a simple convex program overdn real variables. We prove that this program recovers a set ofn i.i.d. Gaussian locations exactly and with high probability if the observations are given by an Erd\"{o}s-R\'{e}nyi graph,d is large enough, and provided that at most a constant fraction of observations involving any particular location are adversarially corrupted.
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