Here are the videos and slides for the Information Theory, Learning and Big Data @ Simons Institute, Berkeley
Sparsity and Base Learning
- Low-Rank Matrix Recovery Through Rank-One Projections, Tony Cai, University of Pennsylvania
- Sketching for M-Estimators: A Unified Approach to Robust Regression , David Woodruff, IBM Almaden
- Simple, Efficient and Neural Algorithms for Sparse Coding , Ankur Moitra, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Learning a Hidden Basis through Imperfect Measurements: Why and How, Misha Belkin, Ohio State University
Clustering and Community Organization
- Constrained Rank Aggregation and Correlation Clustering, Olgica Milenkovic, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- Testing Distribution Families, Jayadev Acharya, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Fundamental Limit of Community Detection in Stochastic Block Models, Emmanuel Abbe, Princeton University
- How Large is the Norm of a Random Matrix?, Ramon van Handel, Princeton University
- Nearly Linear-Time Algorithms for Structured Sparsity, Piotr Indyk, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Lucky Talk: From Coding to Clustering, Emmanuel Abbe, Princeton University
- Chebyshev Polynomials, Moment Matching and Optimal Estimation of the Unseen, Yihong Wu, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- Information Measure Estimation and Applications: Boosting the Sample Size from n to n log n, Jiantao Jiao, Stanford University
- Sample Complexity of Estimating Entropy, Himanshu Tyagi, Indian Institute of Science
- Minimum Rényi Correlation Principle: From Marginals to Joint Distribution, Farzan Farnia, Stanford University
Sequential Estimation and Compression
- Adaptive Coding over Countable Alphabets, Stéphane Boucheron, Université Paris Diderot
- On Learning Distributions from their Samples, Sudeep Kamath, Princeton University
- Efficient Minimax Optimal Strategies for Universal Prediction, Peter Bartlett, UC Berkeley
- On the Complexity of Best Arm Identification in Multi-Armed Bandit Models, Aurélien Garivier, University of Toulouse
- Lucky Talk: Chebyshev Polynomials, Moment Matching and Optimal Estimation of the Unseen, Yihong Wu, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Information Aggregation and Pattern Matching
- Low Regret Recommendations and Item-Item Collaborative Filtering, Devavrat Shah, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Topic Modeling Approach for Rank Aggregation, Venkat Saligrama, Boston University
- Machine Learning from Human Comparative Judgments, Robert Nowak, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Analytic Pattern Matching: From DNA to Twitter, Wojciech Szpankowski, Purdue University
Learning and Information Theory
- Strong Data Processing Inequalities and Estimation with Constraints, John Duchi, Stanford University
- Strong Data Processing Inequalities: Applications to MCMC and Graphical Models, Maxim Raginsky, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- Near-Optimal Hypothesis Testing via Convex Optimization, Arkadi Nemirovski, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Data Driven Convergence in Statistical Estimators, Narayana Santhanam, University of Hawaii
- Lucky Talk: Low-regret Recommendations and Item-item Collaborative Filtering, Guy Bresler, Massachusetts Institute of Technology for Devavrat Shah, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Optimization and Learning Models
- Confidence-Based Active Learning, Kamalika Chaudhuri, UC San Diego
- Constructing Informative Features for Discriminative Learning, Animashree Anandkumar, UC Irvine
- Robust Inference and Local Algorithms, Yishay Mansour, Tel Aviv University
- Tradeoffs in Large Scale Learning: Statistical Accuracy vs. Numerical Precision, Sham Kakade, Microsoft Research New England
- Computation-Statistics Tradeoffs in Unsupervised Learning via Data Summarization, Mesrob Ohannessian, UC San Diego
Learning Structured Distributions
- Statistical Property Testing and Estimation Beyond the i.i.d. Setting, Gregory Valiant, Stanford University
- Nearest Neighbor Based Greedy Coordinate Descent, Pradeep Ravikumar, University of Texas, Austin
- Learning and Testing Structured Distributions, Ilias Diakonikolas, University of Edinburgh
- Approximating Spherical Gaussian Mixtures, Ananda Suresh, UC San Diego
- Lucky Talk: An Algorithmic Characterization of a Class of Inequalities, Gregory Valiant, Stanford University
Computations for Big Data
- Detection and Estimation through an Information Theory Lens, Sergio Verdú, Princeton University
- Testing Probability Distributions using Conditional Samples, Rocco Servedio, Columbia University
- Sample Starved Correlation Mining, Al Hero, University of Michigan
- Fast Approximations of the Pattern Maximum Likelihood Estimate, Pascal Vontobel, Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Spy vs Spy: Anonymous Messaging, Pramod Viswanath, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- Learning Sparse Data with Near-optimal Speed and Efficiency from a Variety of Measurement Processes, Sidharth Jaggi, Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Must One Learn the Channel to Communicate at Capacity?, Aaron Wagner, Cornell University
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