** Nuit Blanche is now on Twitter: @NuitBlog **
Within this semester of «The Mathematics of Imaging» at IHP (from January 7th till April 5th , 2019), a second set of talks took place featuring the workshop on «Statistical Modeling for Shapes and Imaging» Here the videos of these talks, enjoy !
Photography Made Easy - Sylvain Paris - Workshop 2 - CEB T1 2019
Synthesizing stochastic microstructures for additive manufacturing - Sylvain Lefèbvre - Workshop 2 - CEB T1 2019
Detecting Overfitting of Deep Generative Networks via Latent Recovery. - Julien Rabin - Workshop 2 - CEB T1 2019
Interaction between invariant structures for shape analysis - Ron Kimmel - Workshop 2 - CEB T1 2019
3D Point Cloud Classification, Segmentation and Normal (...) - Michael Lindenbaum - Workshop 2 - CEB T1 2019
Total variation denoising with iterated conditional expectation - Cécile Louchet Workshop 2 - CEB T1 2019
Hybrid sparse stochastic processes and the resolution of (...) - Michael Unser - Workshop 2 - CEB T1 2019
Lipschitz-Killing curvatures of excursion sets for 2D (...) - Hermine Biermé - Workshop 2 - CEB T1 2019
Efficient sampling through variable splitting-inspired (...) - Pierre Chainais - Workshop 2 - CEB T1 2019
Statistical aspects of stochastic algorithms for entropic (...) - Jérémie Bigot - Workshop 2 - CEB T1 2019
Stochastic Approximation-based algorithms, when the Monte (...) - Gersende Fort - Workshop 2 - CEB T1 2019
PDEs on the Homogeneous Space of Positions and Orientations - Remco Duits - Workshop 2 - CEB T1 2019
Mixed-effect model for the spatiotemporal analysis of longitudinal (...) - Stéphanie Allassonnière - Workshop 2 - CEB T1 2019
A fast statistical colocalization method for 3D live cell imaging and super-resolution microscopy. - Charles Kervrann - Workshop 2 - CEB T1 2019
Functional Data Analysis Under Shape Constraints - Anuj Srivastava - Workshop 2 - CEB T1 2019
Multiple objects detection in biological images using a Marked Point Process Framework. - Xavier Descombes - Workshop 2 - CEB T1 2019
Création des mondes virtuels : Objets auto-similaires et
distributions d'éléments - Marie-Paule Cani - Grand Public - CEB T1 2019
Maximum Entropy Models for Texture Synthesis - Arthur Leclaire - Workshop 2 - CEB T1 2019
From currents to oriented varifolds for data fidelity metrics; growth models for computational anatomy. - Irène Kaltenmark - Workshop 2 - CEB T1 2019
Kernel norms on normal cycles and the KeOps library for linear memory reductions over datasets. - Joan Glaunès - Workshop 2 - CEB T1 2019
Bayesian inference and convex geometry: theory, methods, and algorithms. - Marcelo Pereyra - Workshop 2 - CEB T1 2019
Gaussian random fields and anisotropy - Marianne Clausel - Workshop 2 - CEB T1 2019
The inconvenience of a single Universe - Jean-François Cardoso - Workshop 2 - CEB T1 2019
TeraLasso for sparse time-varying image modeling - Alfred Hero - Workshop 2 - CEB T1 2019
Modular large deformation and shape aware metrics in shape analysis: How to make things simple
(and meaningful)?
- Alain Trouvé - Workshop 2 - CEB T1 2019
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