Natalia sent me the following the other day:
Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty positions in robotics at ENSTA ParisTech
The Computer Science and System Engineering department (U2IS) at ENSTA ParisTech is opening several tenured and tenure-track faculty positions in the field of robotics.
== Position description ==
The candidates will be recruited in the Autonomous Systems and Robotics research team, inside the U2IS department. ASR dedicates itself to the development of technological systems with strong autonomy and high dependability, focusing in particular on learning, perception, navigation, human-robot interaction for assistive robotics and intelligent vehicles. The candidates will lead research and innovation activities on one or several of the following themes:These activities should be conducted in the application areas of intelligent vehicles, automation, assistive/service robotics or defense and security, in link with the other members of the team. In particular, candidates could be integrated in the joint ENSTA ParisTech-INRIA FLOWERS team. The candidates are expected to participate in the development of partnerships, collaborations and projects in his/her domain, particularly in partnership with industry. Inquiries about the scientific context of the position can be directed to David Filliat ( or Bruno Monsuez (
- perception, computer vision, image processing, human-robot interaction
- machine learning, developmental and cognitive robotics
- navigation, SLAM, localization, planning and control
- systems architecture for autonomous vehicles.
Faculty duties include teaching at the graduate and undergraduate levels, research, and supervision of student research. Basic knowledge, or willingness to learn French language are required as part of the teaching will be in French. Candidates must have the ability to develop a leading research program with a focus on technology development and translation into concrete applications such as robotics or intelligent vehicles.
== About ENSTA ==
ENSTA ParisTech is one of the most renowned French institutes of engineering education and research (Grande Ecole). Located in Palaiseau, it offers graduate level scientific education, excellent research facilities and a broad international network. It is a founding member of Paris-Saclay University, a federal university composed of 19 institutions (Universities, Grandes Ecoles, Research organisms). Large companies have also settled their research center in this area so that by 2020, this scientific cluster, the largest in France, will gather up to 15% of French research.
== Application ==
Requirements for applying are: possession of a doctoral university degree, excellent skills in teaching and research, a strong publication record, and have experience with conducting research projects. Candidates for tenured position should possess the "Habilitation à diriger des Recherches" or comparable research experience.
The candidates will be expected to conduct high quality research, teaching, and secure competitive external funding.
The complete application package includes:Applications integrated into a single pdf file should be sent to David Filliat ( and Bruno Monsuez ( The application deadline is March 30th, 2018.
- a curriculum vitae including a list of publications;
- a research statement;
- a teaching statement including a list of lectures the candidate could teach;
- the names and email addresses of three references.
== Links ==
ENSTA ParisTech: position description (in French): Systems and Robotics team: http://asr.ensta.frENSTA ParisTech - INRIA FLOWERS team:
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