LECTURE 1: Introduction to Machine Learning: Linear Learners by Stefan Riezler
- Feature representations and linear decision boundaries
- Naive Bayes, logistic regression, perceptron, SVMs
- Online learning
- Linear learning of non-linear models
PRACTICAL TALK: Structured Prediction in Natural Language Processing with Imitaition Learning by Andreas Vlachos
LECTURE 2: Sequence Models by Noah Smith
- Markov models and hidden Markov models (HMMs)
- Dynamic programming algorithms (Viterbi and sum-product)
- Parameter learning (MLE and Baum-Welch/EM)
- Finite state machines and finite state transducers
PRACTICAL TALK: Machine Translation as Sequence Modelling by Philipp Koehn
LECTURE 3: Learning Structured Predictors by Xavier Carreras
- From HMMs to CRFs: discriminative learning and features
- Structured perceptron, structured SVMs and max-margin Markov networks
- Training and optimization
- Iterative scaling, L-BFGS, perceptron, MIRA, stochastic and batch gradient descent
- Context-free grammars (CFGs) and phrase-based parsing
- Dynamic programming and CKY algorithm
- Probabilistic CFGs, parent annotation and lexicalization
- Dependency parsing (projective and non-projective)
- Transition and graph-based parsers
PRACTICAL TALK: Turbo Parser Redux from Dependencies to Constituents by Andre Martins
LECTURE 5: Deep Neural Netowrd are our Friends by Wang Ling
LECTURE 6: Modeling Sequential Data with Recurrent Networks by Chris Dyer
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