KDD 2016 is currently going on right now. Here are the papers and video presentation of said papers for the research track. Enjoy !
All the videos can be found directly here.
Title & Authors NetCycle: Collective Evolution Inference in Heterogeneous Information Networks
Author(s): Yizhou Zhang*, Fudan University; Xiong Yun, ; Xiangnan Kong, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Yangyong Zhu, Fudan UniversityLexis: An Optimization Framework for Discovering the Hierarchical Structure of Sequential Data
Author(s): Payam Siyari*, Georgia Institute of Technology; Bistra Dilkina, Georgia Tech; Constantine Dovrolis, Georgia Institute of TechnologySkinny-dip: Clustering in a Sea of Noise
Author(s): Samuel Maurus*, Helmholtz Zentrum München; Claudia PlantGoal-Directed Inductive Matrix Completion
Author(s): Si Si*, Ut austin; Kai-Yang Chiang, UT Austin; Cho-Jui Hsieh, UT Austin; Nikhil Rao, Technicolor Research; Inderjit Dhillon, UTexasSampling of Attributed Networks From Hierarchical Generative Models
Author(s): Pablo Robles Granda*, Purdue University; Sebastian Moreno, ; Jennifer Neville, PurdueJoint Community and Structural Hole Spanner Detection via Harmonic Modularity
Author(s): Lifang He*, ; CHUN-TA LU, UIC; Jiaqi Ma, Tsinghua University; Jianping Cao, NUDT; Linlin Shen, ; Philip S. Yu, UI ChicagoPrivacy-preserving Class Ratio Estimation
Author(s): Arun Iyer*, ; Saketh Nath, IIT Bombay; Sunita Sarawagi, IIT BombayStructured Doubly Stochastic Matrix for Graph Based Clustering
Author(s): Xiaoqian Wang, Univ. of Texas at Arlington; Feiping Nie, University of Texas at Arlington; Heng Huang*, Univ. of Texas at ArlingtonApproximate Personalized PageRank on Dynamic Graphs
Author(s): Hongyang Zhang*, Stanford University; Peter Lofgren, Stanford UniversityAssessing Human Error Against a Benchmark of Perfection
Author(s): Ashton Anderson*, Stanford University; Jon Kleinberg, Cornell University; Sendhil Mullainathan, HarvardModeling Precursors for Event Forecasting via Nested Multi-Instance Learning
Author(s): Yue Ning*, Virginia Tech; Sathappan Muthiah, Virginia Tech; Huzefa Rangwala, George Mason University; Naren Ramakrishnan, Virginia TechSmart Reply: Automated Response Suggestion for Email
Author(s): Anjuli Kannan, ; Karol Kurach*, Google; Sujith Ravi, Google; Tobias Kaufmann, Google, Inc.; Andrew Tomkins, ; Balint Miklos, Google, Inc.; Greg Corrado, ; László Lukács, ; Marina Ganea, ; Peter Young, ; Vivek RamavajjalaEfficient Frequent Directions Algorithm for Sparse Matrices
Author(s): Mina Ghashami*, University of utah; Edo Liberty, Yahoo ; Jeff Phillips, School of Computing, University of UtahTaxi Driving Behavior Analysis in Latent Vehicle-to-Vehicle Networks: A Social Influence Perspective
Author(s): Tong Xu*, USTC; Hengshu Zhu, Baidu Inc.; Xiangyu Zhao, USTC; Hao Zhong, Rutgers University; Qi Liu, University of Science and Technology of China; Enhong Chen, ; Hui Xiong, RutgersRobust Extreme Multi-label Learning
Author(s): Chang Xu*, Peking University; Dacheng Tao, University of Technology Sydney; Chao Xu, Peking UniversityThe Limits of Popularity-Based Recommendations, and the Role of Social Ties
Author(s): Marco Bressan*, Sapienza University of Rome; Stefano Leucci, Sapienza University of Rome; Alessandro Panconesi, Sapienza University of Rome; Prabhakar Raghavan, Google; Erisa Terolli, Sapienza University of RomeCommunication Efficient Distributed Kernel Principal Component Analysis
Author(s): Yingyu Liang*, Princeton University; Bo Xie, ; David Woodruff, IBM Research; Le Song, ; Maria-Florina Balcan,Come-and-Go Patterns of Group Evolution: A Dynamic Model
Author(s): Tianyang Zhang*, Tsinghua University; Peng Cui, Tsinghua University; Christos Faloutsos, Carnegie Mellon University; Wenwu Zhu, Tsinghua University; Shiqiang Yang,Revisiting Random Binning Feature: Fast Convergence and Strong Parallelizability
Author(s): Lingfei Wu*, College of William and Mary; En-Hsu Yen, University of Texas at Austin; Jie Chen, IBM Research; Rui Yan, Baidu Inc.GMove: Group-Level Mobility Modeling using Geo-Tagged Social Media
Author(s): Chao Zhang*, UIUC; Keyang Zhang, ; Quan Yuan, University of Illinois Urbana-; Luming Zhang, ; Tim Hanratty, ; Jiawei Han, University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignJust One More: Modeling Binge Watching Behavior
Author(s): William Trouleau, EPFL; Azin Ashkan*, Technicolor; Weicong Ding, Technicolor Research; Brian Eriksson, TechnicolorInferring Network Effects from Observational Data
Author(s): David Arbour*, University of Massachusetts Am; Dan Garant, University of Massachusetts Amherst; David Jensen, UMass AmherstRobust Large-Scale Machine Learning in the Cloud
Author(s): Steffen Rendle*, Google; Dennis Fetterly, Google, Inc.; Eugene Shekita, Google, Inc.; Bor-Yiing Su, Google, Inc.Semi-Markov Switching Vector Autoregressive Model-based Anomaly Detection in Aviation Systems
Author(s): Igor Melnyk*, University of Minnesota; Arindam Banerjee, University of Minnesota; Bryan Matthews, Nasa Ames Research Center; Nikunj Oza, Nasa Ames Research CenterPartial Label Learning via Feature-Aware Disambiguation
Author(s): Min-Ling Zhang*, Southeast University; Binbin Zhou, Southeast University; Xu-Ying Liu, Southeast UniversityA Subsequence Interleaving Model for Sequential Pattern Mining
Author(s): Jaroslav Fowkes*, University of Edinburgh; Charles Sutton, University of EdinburghGeneralized Hierarchical Sparse Model for Arbitrary-Order Interactive Antigenic Sites Identification
Author(s): Lei Han*, Rutgers University; Yu Zhang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Xiu-Feng Wan, Mississippi State University; Tong Zhang, Rutgers UniversityXGBoost: A Scalable Tree Boosting System
Author(s): Tianqi Chen*, University of washington; Carlos Guestrin, Dato/Univ of WashingtonFASCINATE: Fast Cross-Layer Dependency Inference on Multi-layered Networks
Author(s): Chen Chen*, Arizona State Unversity; Hanghang Tong, Arizona State University; Lei Xie, City University of New York; Lei YIng, Arizona State University; Qing He, Arizona State UniversityFast Memory-efficient Anomaly Detection in Streaming Heterogeneous Graphs
Author(s): Emaad Manzoor, Stony Brook University; Leman Akoglu*, SUNY Stony BrookStructural Neighborhood based Classification of Nodes in a Network
Author(s): Sharad Nandanwar*, Indian Institute of Science; Musti Narasimha Murty, Indian Institute of ScienceStreaming-LDA: A Copula-based Approach to Modeling Topic Dependencies in Document Streams
Author(s): Hesam Amoualian*, University Grenoble Alps; Marianne Clausel, University of Grenoble Alps; Eric Gaussier, University of Grenoble Alps; Massih-Reza Amini, University of Grenoble AlpsContinuous Experience-aware Language Model
Author(s): Subhabrata Mukherjee*, Max Planck Informatics; Stephan Günnemann, Technical University of Munich; Gerhard Weikum, Max Planck Institute for InformaticsOvercoming key weaknesses of Distance-based Neighbourhood Methods using a Data Dependent Dissimilari
Author(s): Ting Kai Ming*, Federation University; YE ZHU, Monash University; Mark Carman, Monash University; Yue Zhu, Nanjing University“Why Should I Trust you?” Explaining the Predictions of Any Classifier
Author(s): Marco Tulio Ribeiro*, University of Washington; Sameer Singh, """University of Washington, Seattle"""; Carlos Guestrin, Dato/Univ of WashingtonGraph Wavelets via Sparse Cuts
Author(s): Arlei Lopes da Silva*, UC, Santa Barbara; Xuan-Hong Dang, UCSB; Prithwish Basu, Raytheon BBN; Ambuj Singh, UCSB; Ananthram Swami, Army LabRebalancing Bike Sharing Systems: A Multi-source Data Smart Optimization
Author(s): Junming Liu, Rutgers University; Leilei Sun, ; Hui Xiong*, Rutgers; Weiwei Chen,A multiple test correction for streams and cascades of statistical hypothesis tests
Author(s): Geoff Webb*, Monash University; Francois Petitjean, MonashTemporal Order-based First-Take-All Hashing for Fast Attention-Deficit-Hyperactive-Disorder Detectio
Author(s): Hao Hu, University of Central Florida; Joey Velez-Ginorio, University of Central Florida; Guojun Qi*, University of Central FloridaUnified Point-of-Interest Recommendation with Temporal Interval Assessment
Author(s): Yanchi Liu*, Rutgers University; Chuanren Liu, Drexel University; Bin Liu, Rutgers University; Meng Qu, Rutgers University; Hui Xiong, RutgersTowards Optimal Cardinality Estimation of Unions and Intersections with Sketches
Author(s): Daniel Ting*, FacebookTRIEST: Counting Local and Global Triangles in Fully-Dynamic Streams with Fixed Memory Size
Author(s): Lorenzo De Stefani*, Brown University; Alessandro Epasto, Brown; Matteo Riondato, Two Sigma Investments; Eli Upfal, Brown UniversityABRA: Approximating Betweenness Centrality in Static and Dynamic Graphs with Rademacher Averages
Author(s): Matteo Riondato*, Two Sigma Investments; Eli Upfal, Brown UniversityAnnealed Sparsity via Adaptive and Dynamic Shrinking
Author(s): Kai Zhang*, NEC labs America; Shandian Shan, Purdue University; Zhengzhang Chen, NEC Lab America; Chaoran Cheng, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Zhi Wei, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Guofei Jiang, NEC labs America; Jieping Ye,QUINT: On Query-Specific Optimal Networks
Author(s): Liangyue Li*, Arizona State University; Yuan Yao, Nanjing University; Jie Tang, Tsinghua University; Wei Fan, Baidu; Hanghang Tong, Arizona State UniversityPoint-of-Interest Recommendations: Learning Potential Check-ins from Friends
Author(s): Yong Ge, UNC Charlotte; Huayu Li*, University of North Carolina a; Hengshu Zhu, Baidu Inc.FINAL: Fast Attributed Network Alignment
Author(s): Si Zhang*, Arizona State University; Hanghang Tong, Arizona State UniversityRanking Causal Anomalies via Temporal and Dynamical Analysis on Vanishing Correlations
Author(s): Wei Cheng*, NEC Labs America; Kai Zhang, NEC labs America; Haifeng Chen, NEC Research Lab; Guofei Jiang, NEC labs America; Wei Wang, UC Los AngelesPredicting Matchups and Preferences in Context
Author(s): Shuo Chen*, Cornell; Thorsten Joachims, Cornell UniversityAccelerating Online CP Decompositions for Higher Order Tensors
Author(s): Shuo Zhou*, University of melbourne; Nguyen Vinh, University of Melbourne; James Bailey, ; Yunzhe Jia, University of Melbourne; Ian Davidson, University of California-DavisCompact and Scalable Graph Neighborhood Sketching
Author(s): Takuya Akiba*, NII; Yosuke Yano, National Institute of InformaticsKeeping it Short and Simple: Summarising Complex Event Sequences with Multivariate Patterns
Author(s): Roel Bertens*, Universiteit Utrecht; Jilles Vreeken, Max-Planck Institute for Informatics and Saarland University; Arno Siebes,Robust Influence Maximization
Author(s): Xinran He*, University of Southern California; David Kempe, University of Southern CaliforniaDeepIntent: Learning Attentions for Online Advertising with Recurrent Neural Networks
Author(s): Shuangfei Zhai*, Binghamton University; Keng-hao Chang, Microsoft; Ruofei Zhang, Microsoft; Zhongfei Zhang,When Social Influence Meets Item Inference
Author(s): Hui-Ju Hung, Pennsylvania State University; Hong-Han Shuai, Academia Sinica; De-Nian Yang*, Academic Sinica; Liang-Hao Huang, Academia Sinica; Wang-Chien Lee, The Pennsylvania State University; Jian Pei, Simon Fraser University; Ming-Syan Chen, National Taiwan UniversityPTE: Enumerating Trillion Triangles On Distributed Systems
Author(s): Ha-Myung Park*, KAIST; Sung-Hyon Myaeng, KAIST; U Kang, Seoul National UniversityExtreme Multi-label Loss Functions for Recommendation, Tagging, Ranking & Other Missing Label Applic
Author(s): Himanshu Jain*, IIT Delhi; Yashoteja Prabhu, ; Manik Varma,Regime Shifts in Streams: Real-time Forecasting of Co-evolving Time Sequences
Author(s): Yasuko Matsubara*, Kumamoto University; Yasushi Sakurai, Kumamoto Universitynode2vec: Scalable Feature Learning for Networks
Author(s): Aditya Grover*, Stanford University; Jure Leskovec, Stanford UniversityStructural Deep Network Embedding
Author(s): DAIXIN WANG*, TSINGHUA UNIVERSITY; Peng Cui, Tsinghua University; Wenwu Zhu, Tsinghua UniversityMining Subgroups with Exceptional Transition Behavior
Author(s): Florian Lemmerich*, Gesis; Martin Becker, University of Würzburg; Philipp Singer, Gesis; Denis Helic, TU Graz; Andreas Hotho, University of Wuerzburg; Markus Strohmaier,Asymmetric Transitivity Preserving Graph Embedding
Author(s): Mingdong Ou*, Tsinghua University; Peng Cui, Tsinghua University; Jian Pei, Simon Fraser University; Wenwu Zhu, Tsinghua UniversityAnyDBC: An Efficient Anytime Density-based Clustering Algorithm for Very Large Complex Datasets
Author(s): Son Mai*, Aarhus University; Ira Assent, ; Martin Storgaard, Aarhus UniversityCatchTartan: Representing and Summarizing Dynamic Multicontextual Behaviors
Author(s): Meng Jiang*, UIUC; Christos Faloutsos, Carnegie Mellon University; Jiawei Han, University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignDynamic Clustering of Streaming Short Documents
Author(s): Shangsong Liang*, University College London; Emine Yilmaz, University College London; Evangelos Kanoulas, University of AmsterdamFRAUDAR: Bounding Graph Fraud in the Face of Camouflage
Author(s): Bryan Hooi*, Carnegie Mellon University; Hyun Ah Song, Carnegie Mellon University; Alex Beutel, Carnegie Mellon University; Neil Shah, Carnegie Mellon University; Kijung Shin, Carnegie Mellon University; Christos Faloutsos, Carnegie Mellon UniversityTowards Conversational Recommender Systems
Author(s): Konstantina Christakopoulou*, University of Minnesota; Katja Hofmann, Microsoft; Filip Radlinski, MicrosoftRobust Influence Maximization
Author(s): Wei Chen, Microsoft Research; Tian Lin*, Tsinghua University; Zihan Tan, IIIS, Tsinghua University; Mingfei Zhao, IIIS, Tsinghua University; Xuren Zhou, The Hong Kong University of Science and TechnologyPositive-Unlabeled Learning in Streaming Networks
Author(s): Shiyu Chang*, UIUC; Yang Zhang, UIUC; Jiliang Tang, Yahoo Labs; Dawei Yin, ; Yi Chang, Yahoo! Labs; Mark Hasegawa-Johnson, UIUC; Thomas Huang, UIUCTargeted Topic Modeling for Focused Analysis
Author(s): Shuai Wang*, University of Illinois at Chicago; Zhiyuan Chen, UIC; Geli Fei, Univ of Illinois at Chicago; Bing Liu, Univ of Illinois at Chicago; Sherry Emery, University of Illinois at ChicagoRESEARCH TRACK PAPERS - POSTER
Title & Authors Online Feature Selection: A Limited-Memory Substitution Algorithm and its Asynchronous Parallel Vari
Author(s): Haichuan Yang*, University of Rochester; Ryohei Fujimaki, NEC Laboratories America; Yukitaka Kusumura, NEC lab; Ji Liu, University of RochesterTopic Modeling of Short Texts: A Pseudo-Document View
Author(s): Yuan Zuo*, Beihang University; Junjie Wu, ; Has Lin, ; Hui Xiong, RutgersOptimally Discriminative Choice Sets in Discrete Choice Models: Application to Data-Driven Test Desi
Author(s): Igor Labutov*, Cornell UniversityOnline Context-Aware Recommendation with Time Varying Multi-Arm Bandit
Author(s): Chunqiu Zeng*, Florida International University; Qing Wang, Florida International Univ.; Tao Li, Florida International Univ; Shekoofeh Mokhtari, Florida International UniversityOptimal Reserve Prices in Upstream Auctions: Empirical Application on Online Video Advertising
Author(s): Miguel Angel Alcobendas Lisbona*, Yahoo Inc; Kuang-chih Lee, Yahoo; Sheide Chammas, YahooImproving Survey Aggregation with Sparsely Represented Signals
Author(s): Tianlin Shi, Stanford University; Forest Agostinelli*, Univ of California - Irvine; Matthew Staib, MIT; David Wipf, Microsoft Research; Thomas Moscibroda, Microsoft ResearchRecurrent Marked Temporal Point Processes: Embedding Event History to Vector
Author(s): NAN DU*, GEORGIA TECH; Hanjun Dai, ; Rakshit Trivedi, ; Utkarsh Upadhyay, Max Plank Institute; Manuel Gomez-Rodriguez, MPI-SWS; Le Song,Interpretable Decision Sets: A Joint Framework for Description and Prediction
Author(s): Himabindu Lakkaraju*, Stanford University; Stephen Bach, Stanford University; Jure Leskovec, Stanford UniversityHow to Compete Online for News Audience: Modeling Words that Attract Clicks
Author(s): Joon Hee Kim*, KAIST; Amin Mantrach, Yahoo! Research; Alex Jaimes, Yahoo!; Alice Oh, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and TechnologyTowards Robust and Versatile Causal Discovery for Business Applications
Author(s): Giorgos Borboudakis*, University of Crete; Ioannis Tsamardinos,A Closed-Loop Approach in Data-Driven Resource Allocation to Improve Network User Experience
Author(s): Yanan Bao*, University of California, Davi; Huasen Wu, UC Davis; Xin Liu, UC DavisPredict Risk of Relapse for Patients with Multiple Stages of Treatment of Depression
Author(s): Zhi Nie*, Arizona State University; Pinghua Gong, ; Jieping Ye, University of Michigan at Ann ArborScalable Betweenness Centrality Maximization via Sampling
Author(s): Ahmad Mahmoody*, Brown University; Eli Upfal, Brown University; Charalampos Tsourakakis, HarvardSmart broadcasting: Do you want to be seen?
Author(s): Erfan Tavakoli, Sharif University; Mohammad Reza Karimi, Sharif University; Mehrdad Farajtabar, Georgia Tech; Le Song, ; Manuel Gomez-Rodriguez*, MPI-SWSSquish: Near-Optimal Compression for Archival of Relational Datasets
Author(s): Yihan Gao*, University of Illinois; Aditya Parameswaran,Data-driven Automatic Treatment Regimen Development and Recommendation
Author(s): Leilei Sun*, Dalian University of Technolog; Chuanren Liu, Drexel University; Chonghui Guo, ; Hui Xiong, Rutgers; Yanming Xie,Reconstructing an Epidemic over Time
Author(s): Polina Rozenshtein, Aalto University; Aristides Gionis*, Aalto University; B. Aditya Prakash, Virginia Tech; Jilles Vreeken, Max-Planck Institute for Informatics and Saarland UniversityScalable Partial Least Squares Regression on Grammar-Compressed Data Matrices
Author(s): Yasuo Tabei*, JST; Hiroto Saigo, Kyushu Institute of Technology; Yoshihiro Yamanishi, Kyushu University; Simon Puglisi, Helsinki UniversityThe Million Domain Challenge: Broadcast Email Prioritization by Cross-domain Recommendation
Author(s): BEIDOU WANG*, Simon Fraser University; Martin Ester, Simon Fraser University; Yikang Liao, Zhejiang University; Jiajun Bu, Zhejiang University; Yu Zhu, Zhejiang University; Deng Cai, ; Ziyu Guan,Compressing Graphs and Indexes with Recursive Graph Bisection
Author(s): Laxman Dhulipala, Carnegie Mellon University; Igor Kabiljo, Facebook; Brian Karrer, Facebook; Giuseppe Ottaviano, Facebook; Sergey Pupyrev*, Facebook; Alon Shalita, FacebookPortfolio Selections in P2P Lending: A Multi-Objective Perspective
Author(s): Hongke Zhao*, USTC; Guifeng Wang, USTC; Yong Ge, UNC Charlotte; Qi Liu, University of Science and Technology of China; Enhong Chen,Latent Space Model for Road Networks to Predict Time-Varying Traffic
Author(s): Dingxiong Deng*, USC; Cyrus Shahabi, USC; Ugur Demiryurek, ; Linhong Zhu, ; Rose Yu, University of Southern Cal; Yan Liu,Parallel Lasso Screening for Big Data Optimization
Author(s): Qingyang Li*, Arizona State University; Shuang Qiu, Umich; Shuiwang Ji, Washington State University; Jieping Ye, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor; Jie Wang, University of MichiganLossless Separation of Web Pages into Layout Code and Data
Author(s): Adi Omari*, Technion; Benny Kimelfeld, Technion; Sharon Shoham, Academic College of Tel Aviv Yaffo; Eran Yahav, TechnionA Multi-Task Learning Formulation for Survival Analysis
Author(s): Yan Li*, Wayne State University; Jie Wang, University of Michigan; Jieping Ye, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor; Chandan Reddy, Wayne State UniversityScalable Pattern Matching over Compressed Graphs via Dedensification
Author(s): Antonio Maccioni*, Roma Tre University; Daniel Abadi, Yale UniversityFinding Gangs in War from Signed Networks
Author(s): Lingyang Chu*, Simon Fraser University; Zhefeng Wang, University of Science and Technology of China; Jian Pei, Simon Fraser University; Jiannan Wang, Simon Fraser University; Zijin Zhao, Simon Fraser University; Enhong Chen,Online Asymmetric Active Learning with Imbalanced Data
Author(s): Xiaoxuan Zhang*, University of Iowa; Tianbao Yang, Univ of Iowa; Padmini Srinivasan, University of IowaRobust and Effective Metric Learning Using Capped Trace Norm
Author(s): Zhouyuan Huo, University of Texas, Arlington; Feiping Nie, University of Texas at Arlington; Heng Huang*, Univ. of Texas at ArlingtonBurstiness Scale: a highly parsimonious model forcharacterizing random series of events
Author(s): Rodrigo Alves*, CEFET-MG; Renato Assunção, DCC-UFMG; Pedro O.S. Vaz de Melo, DCC-UFMGFast Component Pursuit for Large-Scale Inverse Covariance Estimation
Author(s): Lei Han*, Rutgers University; Yu Zhang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Tong Zhang, Rutgers UniversityUnbounded Human Learning: Optimal Scheduling for Spaced Repetition
Author(s): Siddharth Reddy*, Cornell University; Igor Labutov, Cornell University; Siddhartha Banerjee, Cornell University; Thorsten Joachims, Cornell UniversityUser Identity Linkage by Latent User Space Modelling
Author(s): Xin Mu*, Nanjing University; Feida Zhu, Singapore Management Univ.; Zhi-Hua Zhou, ; Ee-Peng Lim, Singapore Management University; Jing Xiao, ; Jianzong Wang,Diversified Temporal Subgraph Pattern Mining
Author(s): Yi Yang, Fudan University; Da Yan, CUHK; Huanhuan Wu, CUHK; James Cheng*, CUHK; Shuigeng Zhou, Fudan University; John C.S. Lui, The Chinese University of Hong KongHierarchical Incomplete Multi-source Feature Learning for Spatiotemporal Event Forecasting
Author(s): Liang Zhao*, VT; Jieping Ye, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor; Feng Chen, SUNY Albany; Chang-Tien Lu, Virginia Tech; Naren Ramakrishnan, Virginia TechMANTRA: A Scalable Approach to Mining Temporally Anomalous Sub-trajectories
Author(s): Prithu Banerjee*, UBC; Pranali Yawalkar, IIT Madras; Sayan Ranu, IIT MadrasFUSE: Full Spectral Clustering
Author(s): Wei Ye*, University of Munich; Sebastian Goebl, University of Munich; Claudia Plant, ; Christian Boehm, University of MunichSafe Pattern Pruning: An Efficient Approach for Predictive Pattern Mining
Author(s): Kazuya Nakagawa, Nagoya Institute of Technology; Shinya Suzumura, Nagoya Institute of Technology; Masayuki Karasuyama, ; Koji Tsuda, University of Tokyo; Ichiro Takeuchi*, Nagoya Institute of Technology JapanProbabilistic Robust Route Recovery with Spatio-Temporal Dynamics
Author(s): Hao Wu, Fudan University; Jiangyun Mao, Fudan University; Weiwei Sun*, Fudan University; Baihua Zheng, Singapore Management University; Hanyuan Zhang, Fudan University; Ziyang Chen, Fudan University; Wei Wang, Fudan UniversityA Real Linear and Parallel Multiple Longest Common Subsequences (MLCS) Algorithm
Author(s): Yanni Li, Xidian University; Hui Li*, Xidian University; Tihua Duan, Shanghai Finance University; Sheng Wang, Coventry University; Zhi Wang, Xidian University; Yang Cheng, Xidian UniversityA Text Clustering Algorithm Using an Online Clustering Scheme for Initialization
Author(s): Jianhua Yin*, Tsinghua University; Jianyong Wang,Subjectively Interesting Component Analysis: Data Projections that Contrast with Prior Expectations
Author(s): Bo Kang*, Ghent University; Jefrey Lijffijt, Ghent University; Raul Santos-Rodriguez, University of Bristol; Tijl De Bie, Ghen UniversityCompressing Convolutional Neural Networks in the Frequency Domain
Author(s): Wenlin Chen*, Washington University; James Wilson, University of Edinburgh; Stephen Tyree, NVIDIA; Kilian Weinberger, Cornell; Yixin Chen,Causal Clustering for 1-Factor Measurement Models
Author(s): Erich Kummerfeld*, University of Pittsburgh; Joseph Ramsey, Carnegie Mellon UniversityFrom Truth Discovery to Trustworthy Opinion Discovery: An Uncertainty-Aware Quantitative Modeling Ap
Author(s): Mengting Wan*, UC San Diego; Xiangyu Chen, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Lance Kaplan, U.S. Army Research Laboratory; Jiawei Han, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Jing Gao, ; Bo Zhao, LinkedInFast Unsupervised Online Drift Detection Using Incremental Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
Author(s): Denis Dos Reis*, Universidade de São Paulo; Gustavo Batista, Universidade de Sao Paulo at Sao Carlos; Peter Flach, University of Bristol; Stan Matwin, Dalhousie UniversityLearning Cumulatively to Become More Knowledgeable
Author(s): Geli Fei*, Univ of Illinois at Chicago; Shuai Wang, Univ of Illinois at Chicago; Bing Liu, Univ of Illinois at ChicagoMulti-Task Feature Interaction Learning
Author(s): KAIXIANG LIN*, Michigan State University; Jianpeng Xu, Michigan State University; Shuiwang Ji, Washington State University; Jiayu Zhou, Michigan State UniversityCity-Scale Map Creation and Updating using GPS Collections
Author(s): Chen Chen*, Stanford University; Cewu Lu, Stanford University; Qixing Huang, Stanford University; Dimitrios Gunopulos, ; Leonidas Guibas, Stanford University; Qiang Yang, HKUSTStochastic Optimization Techniques for Quantification Performance Measures
Author(s): Harikrishna Narasimhan, IACS, Harvard University; Shuai Li, University of Insubria; Purushottam Kar*, IIT Kanpur; Sanjay Chawla, QCRI-HBKU, Qatar; Fabrizio Sebastiani, QCRI-HBKU, QatarTowards Confidence in the Truth: A Bootstrapping based Truth Discovery Approach
Author(s): Houping Xiao*, SUNY Buffalo; Jing Gao, ; Qi Li, SUNY Buffalo; Fenglong Ma, SUNY Buffalo; Lu Su, SUNY Buffalo; Yunlong Feng, KU Leuven; Aidong Zhang,Transfer Knowledge between Cities
Author(s): Ying Wei*, Hong Kong Univ. of Sci. & Tech; Yu Zheng, Microsoft Research; Qiang Yang, HKUSTFLASH: Fast Bayesian Optimization for Data Analytic Pipelines
Author(s): Yuyu Zhang*, Georgia Institute of Technolog; Mohammad Bahadori, Georgia Institute of Technology; Hang Su, Georgia Institute of Technology; Jimeng Sun, Georgia Institute of TechnologyEffcient Processing of Network Proximity Queries via Chebyshev Acceleration
Author(s): Mustafa Coskun*, Case Western University; Ananth Grama, ; Mehmet Koyuturk,Absolute Fused Lasso and Its Application to Genome-Wide Association Studies
Author(s): Tao Yang*, Arizona State University; Jun Liu, SAS Institute Inc.; Pinghua Gong, University of Michigan; Ruiwen Zhang, SAS Institute Inc.; Xiaotong Shen, University of Minnesota; Jieping Ye, University of Michigan at Ann ArborParallel Dual Coordinate Descent Method for Large-scale Linear Classification in Multi-core Environm
Author(s): Wei-Lin Chiang, National Taiwan University; Mu-Chu Lee, National Taiwan University; Chih-Jen Lin*, National Taiwan UniversityBeyond Sigmoids: the NetTide Model for Social Network Growth, and its Applications
Author(s): Chengxi Zang*, Tsinghua University; Peng Cui, Tsinghua University; Christos Faloutsos, Carnegie Mellon UniversityEfficient Shift-Invariant Dictionary Learning
Author(s): Guoqing Zheng*, Carnegie Mellon University; Yiming Yang, ; Jaime Carbonell,Multi-layer Representation Learning for Medical Concepts
Author(s): Edward Choi*, Georgia Institute of Technolog; Mohammad Bahadori, Georgia Institute of Technology; Jimeng Sun, Georgia Institute of TechnologyLabel Noise Reduction in Entity Typing by Heterogeneous Partial-Label Embedding
Author(s): Xiang Ren*, UIUC; Wenqi He, UIUC; Meng Qu, UIUC; Heng Ji, PRI; Clare Voss, ARL; Jiawei Han, University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignDistributing the Stochastic Gradient Sampler for Large-Scale LDA
Author(s): Yuan Yang*, Beihang University; Jianfei Chen, Tsinghua University; Jun Zhu,Lightweight Monitoring of Distributed Streams
Author(s): Daniel Keren*, University of Haifa; Assaf Schuster, Technion; Arnon Lazerson, Israeli Institute of technologyAccelerated Stochastic Block Coordinate Descent with Optimal Sampling
Author(s): Aston Zhang*, UIUC; Quanquan Gu, University of VirginiaConvex Optimization for Linear Query Processing under Approximate Differential Privacy
Author(s): Ganzhao Yuan*, SCUT; Yin Yang, ; Zhenjie Zhang, ; Zhifeng Hao,Predicting Socio-Economic Indicators using News Events
Author(s): Sunandan Chakraborty*, NYU; Ashwin Venkataraman, New York University; Srikanth Jagabathula, New York University; Lakshminarayanan Subramanian, New York UniversityA Truth Discovery Approach with Theoretical Guarantee
Author(s): Houping Xiao*, SUNY Buffalo; Jing Gao, ; Zhaoran Wang, Princeton University; Shiyu Wang, UIUC; Lu Su, SUNY Buffalo; Han Liu, Princeton UniversityMeta Structure: Computing Relevance in Large Heterogeneous Information Networks
Author(s): Zhipeng Huang*, University of Hong Kong; Yudian Zheng, The University of Hong Kong; Reynold Cheng, ; Yizhou Sun, Northeastern Univ; Nikos Mamoulis, ; Xiang Li, The University of Hong KongDynamics of Large Multi-View Social Networks: Synergy, Cannibalization and Cross-View Interplay
Author(s): Yu Shi*, UIUC; Myunghwan Kim, LinkedIn Corporation; Shaunak Chatterjee, LinkedIn Corporation; Mitul Tiwari, LinkedIn Corporation; Souvik Ghosh, LinkedIn; Romer Rosales, LinkedInInfinite Ensemble for Image Clustering
Author(s): Hongfu Liu*, Northeastern University; Ming Shao, Northeastern University; Sheng Li, Northeastern University; Yun Fu, Northeastern UniversityDeep Visual-Semantic Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval
Author(s): Yue Cao, Tsinghua university; Mingsheng Long*, Tsinghua University; Jianmin Wang, Tsinghua University; Qiang Yang, HKUST; Philip Yu, UICCollaborative Multi-View Denoising
Author(s): Lei Zhang, Institute of Information Engin; Shupeng Wang, Iie; Xiao-Yu Zhang, IIE, CAS; Yong Wang, IIE,CAS; BinBin Li, Iie; Dinggang Shen, ; Shuiwang Ji*, Washington State UniversityBayesian Inference of Arrival Rate and Substitution Behavior from Sales Transaction Data with Stocko
Author(s): Ben Letham*, Facebook; Lydia Letham, MIT; Cynthia Rudin, MIT
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