Since the last Nuit Blanche in Review (January 2016), we had a whooping four Paris Machine Learning meetups, a few implementations, several theses and in-depth articles ranging from Random Features to questions on DNNs, some jobs and conferences. Also we reached 3500 members on the compressive sensing group on Linkedin, We're past 1050 on the Paris Machine Learning Meetup LinkedIn group, and more than 1100 on the Advanced Matrix Factorization group. Enjoy !
- BinaryNet: Training Deep Neural Networks with Weights and Activations Constrained to +1 or -1 - implementation -
- GitXiv: The most awesomest page on the interweb - implementation -
- Thesis: A Data and Platform-Aware Framework For Large-Scale Machine Learning, Azalia Mirhoseini ( RankMap: A Platform-Aware Framework for Distributed Learning from Dense Datasets - implementation -)
- Parallel Randomized and Matrix-Free Direct Solvers for Large Structured Dense Linear Systems - implementation -
- Greedy Algorithms for Nonnegativity-Constrained Simultaneous Sparse Recovery - implementation -
- Bachelor Thesis: Probabilistic Data-Driven Models for the Pushing Problem by Maria Bauz à Villalonga
- Thesis: Electronics Design and Implementation of a Compressed Sensing Instrument for Astronomy, Raquel Bandarra Borges
- Thesis: A Data and Platform-Aware Framework For Large-Scale Machine Learning, Azalia Mirhoseini ( RankMap: A Platform-Aware Framework for Distributed Learning from Dense Datasets - implementation -)
- Compressive PCA on Graphs
- Compressive Spectral Clustering
- Compressed sensing and parallel acquisition
- Pursuits in Structured Non-Convex Matrix Factorizations
- Generalization Properties of Learning with Random FeaturesRandom Feature Maps via a Layered Random Projection (LaRP) Framework for Object Classification
- Single-shot phase imaging with randomized light (SPIRaL)
- Compressed imaging by sparse random convolution
- Expected Similarity Estimation for Large-Scale Batch and Streaming Anomaly Detection
- Bitwise Neural Networks
- Understanding Deep Convolutional Networks
- Toward Deeper Understanding of Neural Networks: The Power of Initialization and a Dual View on Expressivity
- Exploiting Low-dimensional Structures to Enhance DNN Based Acoustic Modeling in Speech Recognition
- MLHardware: Deep Learning on FPGAs: Past, Present, and Future
- Mapping multidimensional electronic structure and ultrafast dynamics with single-element detection and compressive sensing
- Ce soir: Paris Machine Learning Meetup #9 Season 3: Machine Learnings in Music / A First step with TensorFlow
- Paris Machine Learning Meetup #8 Season 3: Fair and Ethical Algorithms
- Upcoming Paris Machine Learning Meetup on Fair and Ethical Algorithms (Wednesday 17th, 2016)
- De nouveau ce soir, Paris Machine Learning Meetup #7 Season 3: Neural Networks for Predictive Maintenance, Machine Learning in Quantitative Finance, Introduction to scikit-learn
- Ce soir: Paris Machine Learning Meetup #6 Season 3; ASTEC #NecMergitur, Beauty and danger of matrix completion, E-commerce and DL, Topic Modeling on Twitter streams and Cross-Lingual Systems
- Paris Machine Learning Meetup Newsletter, Février 2016 (in French): Les murs et les moulins à vent.
- CfP: IEEE 2016 Information Theory Workshop, Cambridge, UK,
- Two-day workshop on "Computational and statistical trade-offs in learning", IHES, France, March 22-23
- ICLR 2016: List of accepted papers
- iTWIST'16, International Traveling Workshop on Interactions Between Sparse Models and Technology, Aalborg, Denmark 24th-26th of August 2016
- CfP: 1st Workshop on SPARSITY AND COMPRESSIVE SENSING IN MULTIMEDIA, July 15, 2016 - Seattle, USA
- Today: Colloquium Perspectives and New Challenges in Data Science, Marne-la-Vallée
- Job: Lectureship in Computer Vision/Image Analysis for Medicine & Healthcare , CVSSP, University of Surrey, UK
- Job: Marie Curie Experienced Researcher in Video Analytics for Large Camera Networks, VisioSafe, Switzerland
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