We also had quite a few -to say the least) implementations:
- Matrix Completion on Graphs - implementation -
- Spectral Clustering of Graphs with the Bethe Hessian - implementation -
- CKN: Convolutional Kernel Networks - implementation -
- Compressive Sensing Reconstruction Solvers in Julia
- LRSLibrary : 64 Algorithms for Low-Rank and Sparse for Background Modeling and Subtraction in Videos
- MatchLift : Near-Optimal Joint Object Matching via Convex Relaxation - implementation -
- Zero SR1 quasi-Newton method - implementation -
- CVXPY: A Python-Embedded Modeling Language for Convex Optimization Problems - implementation
- Convex Optimization in Julia
Focused entries
- Accelerated NMR spectroscopy with low-rank reconstruction
- An ODE for solvers, a Group approach to regularizers, Sketching for Kernels and Linear Algebra, Johnson-Lindenstrauss is optimal, Coresets of Streaming Data
- Convex Optimization for Big Data
- Provable Bounds for Learning Some Deep Representations
- Nonlinear Information-Theoretic Compressive Measurement Design
- Riemannian Pursuit for Big Matrix Recovery
- Sparse Reinforcement Learning via Convex Optimization
- How to Scale Up Kernel Methods to Be As Good As Deep Neural Nets
- A Randomized Algorithm for CCA
- 3D Shape Reconstruction from 2D Landmarks: A Convex Formulation
- Neural Word Embeddings as Implicit Matrix Factorization
- Stable Autoencoding: A Flexible Framework for Regularized Low-Rank Matrix Estimation
- Nuclear Norm Minimization via Active Subspace Selection
- Randomized Interpolative Decomposition of Separated Representations
- Dimensionality Reduction for k-Means Clustering and Low Rank Approximation
- Two Postdoc positions ( KU Leuven ) ERC Advanced Grant A-DATADRIVE-B for 1-year, extendable at ESAT-STADIUS
- CS Internship in France: Compatibilité de l'apprentissage par représentations parcimonieuses et de la compression avec pertes / Compatibility between sparse machine learning and lossy compression
- Upcoming CSJobs and more ....
Meetings / Slides / Videos / Cfps
- NIPS 2014 proceedings are out, what paper did you fancy ?
- Saturday Morning Videos: Big data and Data science: LIX colloquium 2014
- Saturday Morning Videos: Machine Learning Summer School, Iceland 2014
- Slides : FOCS 2014 Workshop on The Sparse Fourier Transform: Theory and Applications
- Call for Papers : SPARS 2015 – Cambridge UK – 6-9 July 2015
- Book: Sparse Modeling for Image and Vision Processing
- Book: Regularization, Optimization, Kernels, and Support Vector Machines
- Saturday Morning Video: Yielding of a Yogurt under constant stress
- The researcher's article : a three-part adventure / Le chercheur et son article : une aventure en trois actes
Four image NAVCAM mosaic comprising images taken on 20 November. Credits: ESA/Rosetta/NAVCAM – CC BY-SA IGO 3.0