Maximum-Hands-Off Control and L1 Optimality by Masaaki Nagahara, Daniel E. Quevedo, Dragan Nesic
In this article, we propose a new paradigm of control, called a maximum-hands-off control. A hands-off control is defined as a control that has a much shorter support than the horizon length. The maximum-hands-off control is the minimum-support (or sparsest) control among all admissible controls. We first prove that a solution to an L1-optimal control problem gives a maximum-hands-off control, and vice versa. This result rationalizes the use of L1 optimality in computing a maximum-hands-off control. The solution has in general the "bang-off-bang" property, and hence the control may be discontinuous. We then propose an L1/L2-optimal control to obtain a continuous hands-off control. Examples are shown to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed control method.
L1-Optimal Splines for Outlier Rejection by Masaaki Nagahara, Clyde F. Martin
In this article, we consider control theoretic splines with L1 optimization for rejecting outliers in data. Control theoretic splines are either interpolating or smoothing splines, depending on a cost function with a constraint defined by linear differential equations. Control theoretic splines are effective for Gaussian noise in data since the estimation is based on L2 optimization. However, in practice, there may be outliers in data, which may occur with vanishingly small probability under the Gaussian assumption of noise, to which L2-optimized spline regression may be very sensitive. To achieve robustness against outliers, we propose to use L1 optimality, which is also used in support vector regression. A numerical example shows the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Packetized Predictive Control for Rate-Limited Networks via Sparse Representation by Masaaki Nagahara, Daniel E. Quevedo, Jan Ostergaard
We study a networked control architecture for linear time-invariant plants in which an unreliable data-rate limited network is placed between the controller and the plant input. The distinguishing aspect of the situation at hand is that an unreliable data-rate limited network is placed between controller and the plant input. To achieve robustness with respect to dropouts, the controller transmits data packets containing plant input predictions, which minimize a finite horizon cost function. In our formulation, we design sparse packets for rate-limited networks, by adopting an an ell-0 optimization, which can be effectively solved by an orthogonal matching pursuit method. Our formulation ensures asymptotic stability of the control loop in the presence of bounded packet dropouts. Simulation results indicate that the proposed controller provides sparse control packets, thereby giving bit-rate reductions for the case of memoryless scalar coding schemes when compared to the use of, more common, quadratic cost functions, as in linear quadratic (LQ) control.
Sparse Packetized Predictive Control for Networked Control over Erasure Channels by Masaaki Nagahara, Daniel E. Quevedo, Jan Ostergaard
We study feedback control over erasure channels with packet-dropouts. To achieve robustness with respect to packet-dropouts, the controller transmits data packets containing plant input predictions, which minimize a finite horizon cost function. To reduce the data size of packets, we propose to adopt sparsity-promoting optimizations, namely, L1 and L2-constrained L1 optimizations, for which efficient algorithms exist. We derive sufficient conditions on design parameters, which guarantee (practical) stability of the resulting feedback control systems when the number of consecutive packet-dropouts is bounded.
Sparse Command Generator for Remote Control by Masaaki Nagahara, Daniel E. Quevedo, Jan Ostergaard, Takahiro Matsuda, Kazunori Hayashi
In this article, we consider remote-controlled systems, where the command generator and the controlled object are connected with a bandwidth-limited communication link. In the remote-controlled systems, efficient representation of control commands is one of the crucial issues because of the bandwidth limitations of the link. We propose a new representation method for control commands based on compressed sensing. In the proposed method, compressed sensing reduces the number of bits in each control signal by representing it as a sparse vector. The compressed sensing problem is solved by an L1-L2 optimization, which can be effectively implemented with an iterative shrinkage algorithm. A design example also shows the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Compressive Sampling for Remote Control Systems by Masaaki Nagahara, Takahiro Matsuda, Kazunori Hayashi
In remote control, efficient compression or representation of control signals is essential to send them through rate-limited channels. For this purpose, we propose an approach of sparse control signal representation using the compressive sampling technique. The problem of obtaining sparse representation is formulated by cardinality-constrained L2 optimization of the control performance, which is reducible to L1-L2 optimization. The low rate random sampling employed in the proposed method based on the compressive sampling, in addition to the fact that the L1-L2 optimization can be effectively solved by a fast iteration method, enables us to generate the sparse control signal with reduced computational complexity, which is preferable in remote control systems where computation delays seriously degrade the performance. We give a theoretical result for control performance analysis based on the notion of restricted isometry property (RIP). An example is shown to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach via numerical experiments.
Compressive Sampling for Networked Feedback Control by Masaaki Nagahara, Daniel E. Quevedo, Takahiro Matsuda, Kazunori Hayashi
We investigate the use of compressive sampling for networked feedback control systems. The method proposed serves to compress the control vectors which are transmitted through rate-limited channels without much deterioration of control performance. The control vectors are obtained by an L1-L2 optimization, which can be solved very efficiently by FISTA (Fast Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithm). Simulation results show that the proposed sparsity-promoting control scheme gives a better control performance than a conventional energy-limiting L2-optimal control.
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