Kudos to David Brady, Robert Calderbank, Lawrence Carin, Ingrid Daubechies, David Dunson, Mauro Maggioni and Rebecca Willett.for organizing SAHD, but more importantly for putting the extra effort of getting the meeting on tape and releasing the slide presentations. Grab the popcorn, cancel your dates, tell your friends you went snorkling in Kathmandu or something, you have a have long week-end ahead of you....
- Ingrid Daubechies (video)
- Pierre Vandergheynst, Wavelets and filter banks on graphs (slides video)
- Amit Singer, Vector Diffusion Maps and the Connection Laplacian (slides video)
- Justin Romberg, Parameter Estimation from Compressive Samples (slides video)
- Tony Jebara, Multitask Sparsity via Maximum Entropy Discrimination (slides video)
- Andrea Bertozzi, Diffuse Interface Models on Graphs for Classification of High-Dim Data (slidesvideo)
- Rick Chartrand, Nonconvex Splitting Algorithms and Video Decomposition (slides video)
- Mario Figueiredo, Alternating Direction Optimization (slides video)
- Donald Goldfarb, Methods for Stable Principal Component Pursuit (slides video)
- Ben Recht, The Convex Geometry of Linear Inverse Problems (slides video)
- Guillermo Sapiro, The Return of PCA (slides video)
- Robert Nowak, Sequential Analysis in High-Dimensional Multiple Testing and Sparse Recovery (slides video)
- Babak Hassibi, Subspace Expanders and Low Rank Matrix Recovery (slides video)
- Joel Tropp, Finding structure with randomness (slides video)
- David Blei, Scalable Topic Models (slides video)
- John Lafferty, Matrix Sparse Coding (slides)
- Maya Gupta, Multi-task Averaging (slides video)
- Volkan Cevher, The CLASH Operator (slides video)
- Jian Li, Easy Does It: Parameter Free Dense and Sparse Spectral Estimation Algorithms (slidesvideo)
- Doug Cochran, Operator-Theoretic Modeling for Radar in the Presence of Doppler (slides video)
- Eric Xing, Smoothing Proximal Gradient Method for General Structured Sparse Regression (slidesvideo)
- Walter Willinger, On a new Internet Traffic Matrix (Completion) Problem (slides video)
- Martin Wainwright, Sparse and Smooth: Convex relaxation for high-dim kernel regression (slidesvideo)
- Robert Bell on Winning the Netflix Prize (video)
- Anna Gilbert, Recovering Simple Signals (slides video)
- Piotr Indyk, Image acquisition using sparse (pseudo)-random matrices (slides video)
- Andrea Montanari, Shrinkage estimators for low rank matrices (slides video)
- Martin Strauss, Sublinear Time, Measurement-Optimal, Sparse Recovery For All (slides video)
- Larry Brown, A SURE Estimator for a Heteroscedastic Hierarchical Model (slides video)
- James Scott, Regularization with variance-mean mixtures (slides video)
- Rene Vidal, Sparsity and Rank Minimization in Unions of Subspaces (slides video
- Stan Osher, Applications and Implications of Fast Methods for L1 Related Optimization (slidesvideo)
- Michael Wakin, An Efficient Dictionary for Reconstruction of Sampled Multiband Signals (slidesvideo)
- Mike Gehm, Spectral classification sensors: An adaptive approach (slides video)
- Patrick Wolfe, Point process modeling for directed interaction networks (slides)
- Robert Bell, Netflix Prize Winner, Principled Regularization for Matrix Factorization (slides video)
CREDIT: NASA/KSC, The payload fairing is added to the GRAIL booster.
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