Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Virtual Workshop: Conceptual Understanding of Deep Learning (May 17th 9am-4pm PST)

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Just got an email from Rina Panigrahy

Hi Igor,

I am an algorithms researcher at Google ( and I am organizing this workshop on "Conceptual Understanding of Deep Learning" (details below). It's trying to understand the Brain/Mind as an algorithm from a mathematical/theoretical perspective. I believe that a mathematical/algorithmic approach for understanding the Mind is crucial and very much missing. I'd appreciate any help I can get with advertising this on your blog/mailing-lists/twitter.


Here is the invite:

Please join us for a virtual Google workshop on “Conceptual Understanding of Deep Learning

When: May 17th 9am-4pm PST.

Goal: How does the Brain/Mind (perhaps even an artificial one) work at an algorithmic level? While deep learning has produced tremendous technological strides in recent decades, there is an unsettling feeling of a lack of “conceptual” understanding of why it works and to what extent it will work in the current form. The goal of the workshop is to bring together theorists and practitioners to develop an understanding of the right algorithmic view of deep learning, characterizing the class of functions that can be learned, coming up with the right learning architecture that may (provably) learn multiple functions, concepts and remember them over time as humans do, theoretical understanding of language, logic, RL, meta learning and lifelong learning.

The speakers and panelists include Turing award winners Geoffrey Hinton, Leslie Valiant, and Godel Prize winner Christos Papadimitriou (full-details).

Panel Discussion: There will also be a panel discussion on the fundamental question of “Is there a mathematical model for the Mind?”. We will explore basic questions such as “Is there a provable algorithm that captures the essential capabilities of the mind?”, “How do we remember complex phenomena?”, “How is a knowledge graph created automatically?”, “How do we learn new concepts, function and action hierarchies over time?” and “Why do human decisions seem so interpretable?”

Twitter: #ConceptualDLWorkshop.
Please help advertise on mailing-lists/blog-posts and Retweet.

Hope to see you there!

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