Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Computing with Light: How LightOn intends to unlock Transformative AI

I gave a talk at #mathia2021 conference on March 9th, 2021 where I drew a parallel between the scaling laws that enabled industrialization in the 1920's and the new scaling laws in AI of the 2020's. AI is at its infancy and it needs to have guiding principles (as embedded in these empirical laws) and it also needs to develop new hardware. I showed how, in this context, LightOn can help unlock Transformative AI. Enjoy!

All these other presentations by Yann LeCun, Kathryn Hess, Michael Jordan, Emmanuel Candès and others can be found in this collection of videos on Vimeo. Let me note that Michael made a similar argument as mine where we think of current stage of AI at its infancy in terms of industrialization. 

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