Saturday, December 19, 2020

Diffraction-unlimited imaging based on conventional optical devices

** Nuit Blanche is now on Twitter: @NuitBlog ** 

Aurélien sent me an email back in October and we are now in December! Time flies.
Dear Igor,

I hope things are well.

I have been following your NuitBlanche blog for quite a few years. It would thus be great for us if you consider a recent paper of ours to appear in your blog, entitled “Diffraction-unlimited imaging based on conventional optical devices”. This paper has been published in Optics Express this year and its link is:

This manuscript proposes a new imaging paradigm for objects that are too far away to be illuminated or accessed, which allows them to be resolved beyond the limit of diffraction---which is thus distinct from the microscopy setting. Our concept involves an easy-to-implement acquisition procedure where a spatial light modulator (SLM) is placed some distance from a conventional optical device. After acquisition of a sequence of images for different SLM patterns, the object is reconstructed numerically. The key novelty of our acquisition approach is to ensure that the SLM modulates light before information is lost due to diffraction.

Feel free to let us know what you think, and happy to provide more information/pictures if needed. Thanks a lot for your time and consideration!

Best regards,

Aurélien Bourquard

Thank you Aurélien

 Here is the paper's abstract:

We propose a computational paradigm where off-the-shelf optical devices can be used to image objects in a scene well beyond their native optical resolution. By design, our approach is generic, does not require active illumination, and is applicable to several types of optical devices. It only requires the placement of a spatial light modulator some distance from the optical system. In this paper, we first introduce the acquisition strategy together with the reconstruction framework. We then conduct practical experiments with a webcam that confirm that this approach can image objects with substantially enhanced spatial resolution compared to the performance of the native optical device. We finally discuss potential applications, current limitations, and future research directions.

I note that Aurélien has also published some exciting research on Differential Imaging Forensics. His co-author Nicolas has also some interesting work on Single Pixel cameras.

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