Saturday, May 25, 2019

Saturday Morning Videos: IPAM Workshop IV: Deep Geometric Learning of Big Data and Applications (May 20 - 24, 2019)

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Hat tip to Xavier for letting us know about these. Here are the videos and slides of Workshop IV: Deep Geometric Learning of Big Data and Applications, Part of the Long Program Geometry and Learning from Data in 3D and Beyond at IPAM. The workshop took place May 20 - 24, 2019. And thank you to the organizing committee (Xavier BressonYann LeCunStanley Osher, Rene Vidal, Rebecca Willett) for making this workshop happen !

Arthur Szlam (Facebook)

Soumith Chintala (Facebook AI Research)

Jeremias Sulam (Johns Hopkins University)

Marc Pollefeys (ETH Zurich)
Semantic 3D reconstruction 

Bahram Jalali (University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA))
Low Latency Deep Imaging Cytometry

Tom Goldstein (University of Maryland)

Hongyang Zhang (Carnegie Mellon University)

Roy Lederman (Yale University)

Xavier Bresson (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)

Hamed Pirsiavash (University of Maryland Baltimore County)

Jian Tang (HEC Montréal)

Thomas Kipf (Universiteit van Amsterdam)

Jure Leskovec (Stanford University)
Deep Generative Models for Graphs: Methods & Applications

Mathias Niepert (NEC Laboratories Europe)

Federico Monti (Universita della Svizzera Italiana

Mikhail Belkin (Ohio State University)

Thiago Serra (Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (Merl))

Rene Vidal (Johns Hopkins University)

Stanley Osher (University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA))

Srikumar Ramalingam (University of Utah)

Luc Van Gool (ETH Zurich)

Taco Cohen (Universiteit van Amsterdam)

Kostas Daniilidis (University of Pennsylvania)

Ersin Yumer (Uber ATG)

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