Michèle just sent me the following:
Dear IgorCould you please announce IEEE 2016 Information Theory Workshop on your webpage Nuit Blanche. ITW 2016 will be held in Cambridge, UK, and an important focus is on works on the interface between information theory and compressed sensing and information theory and statistics and machine learning.We therefore want to bring this conference to the attention of the compressed sensing and the machine learning communities.You find the call for papers attached. Below is an announcement purely in text if you prefer.Thank you very much in advance and with best regards,Michèle WiggerAssociate Prof.Telecom ParisTech
Sure Michèle, here it is:
The 2016 IEEE Information Theory Workshop will take place
from the 11th to the 14th September 2016 at Robinson College, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
The 2016 IEEE Information Theory Workshop welcomes original
technical contributions in all areas of information theory. The agenda
includes both invited and contributed sessions, with a particular
emphasis on the interface between:
Information Theory, Statistics and Machine Learning
Information Theory and Compressed SensingInformation Theory and Radar
Plenary Speakers
Yonina Eldar, Technion—Israel Institute of Technology
Andrew Blake, Microsoft Research Cambridge
Thomas Strohmer, University of California, Davis
Paper Submission
Authors are invited to submit previously unpublished papers, not
exceeding five pages, according to the directions that will appear on
the conference website: http://sigproc.eng.cam.ac.uk/ITW2016
The ITW proceedings will be published by the IEEE and will be
available on IEEE Xplore.
Paper Submission Deadline: 13th March 2016
Acceptance Notification: 12th June 2016
Final Paper Submission: 31st July 2016
Website: http://sigproc.eng.cam.ac.uk/ITW2016
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